Defining intention with Beck Wadworth
How a word can help define intention
At the beginning of this year I picked a word (or two) to guide me through the 12 months that lie ahead. This was the first time I had started the year in this way, but it felt appropriate to change things up considering how much change we have all endured over the last 2 years. I also challenged my friends & family to do the same not just for the new year but for any new chapter or new beginning. It’s such a beautiful thing to do with others, it allows you to see each other in honesty and to gain an understanding of everyone's intentions for the next phase whatever that may be. Every person's word will be different & unique to them which I love.
“A word can be so empowering and its meaning can change and adapt as the moments, attitudes, emotions of the year eb and flow.”
I find it's a beautiful thing to reflect on for support as you grow throughout the year without the heavy feeling of a resolution. What I’ve learned over the past few years is that we need to allow ourselves the breathing room for things to shift and change, the unexpected can occur and our goals and ambitions need to reflect that; which is why I love the concept of a word so much, because it can still hold meaning, even if slightly different to the weeks or months before.
A word is unique to you, they reflect an area of our personalities, lives and our goals in such a personal way.
“A word can give you a sense of purpose & a focus and in some ways is immeasurable until you’ve reached the end of that journey and can reflect again and see how much the time and its experiences has shaped who you are.”
My two words of intention are Positivity & Refine.
I have a huge year ahead personally with the arrival of our first baby in July & this will lead to a whole new way of navigating my professional world too. I know that it’s going to be one filled with more challenges, firsts & highlights than I have ever faced before. I’m not great with the unknown & can often get overwhelmed, a positive mindset is what gets me through those times. This year I know positivity will be the most important tool for me.
I’ve always been about quality over quantity in my life - both personally & professionally. I’ve also been a ‘Yes’ person for years. I feel a sense of guilt if I say no, even though I know I shouldn’t. This year a focus for me is to refine. Your time is precious. It’s important to trust your gut & to know it’s ok to say no when appropriate. I want to refine things in my career, in my business, in my personal life & even physical things in my home. Refine covers so many areas & is a perfect word for me.
I challenge you to reflect on the past 12 months, how you’ve grown and what’s impacted you & visualise the life you want; what are your goals and dreams, what does your health need or your soul & self. Some words from friends & family below might inspire your thinking…
Once you’ve identified your word/s, keep them at the start of your 2022 Diary, Journal or even on a little Sticky Note where they can be a constant reminder and source of positivity.