March horoscope
We have all been learning a lot about patience over the past couple of months and March is here to show us that some things are worth the wait. If you have felt like you have been living at a standstill, it is not time to let go of the vision and hope for a better future. Everything is happening in divine timing and it’s important you celebrate the small wins you have along the way.
Key Dates
3rd March - New Moon in Pisces
This new moon opens you up to an abundance of blessings and spiritual healing. Whatever you focus on will grow so set intentions wisely. Lessons learned in January and February will inform the intentions you set. To plant seeds that will truly manifest, you must not just know what you want, but also know that you deserve it.
6th March - Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mars in Aquarius
This is a beautiful moment in time to hit the reset button as it relates to romance, relationships, creativity, sex, and passion. Revisit your stance on what it means to be in a relationship and how you want to show up as a sovereign individual within your relationships.
19th March - Full Moon in Virgo
This is a great moon to do a cleansing ritual. Clear your space of clutter, clear your schedule of unnecessary activities, clear your head with practices like meditation, clear your body with movement practices. You are able to take practical action that will create space for your manifestations.
20th March - Sun enters Aries + Autumn Equinox
We move out of emotional Pisces season and into fiery Aries season. You can go full steam ahead with new projects, relationships, and ideas. With 2022 kicking off to a slow start, this moment might feel like the real new year.
Image : Photograph by Franco Fontana, Puglia, 1978
This month is taking you into the deeper realms of your mind and into your spiritual and energetic body. You can explore healing modalities that you haven’t tried before. Become aware of the way your emotions and energy affect your daily life. Little tweaks you can make to your energy will have a powerful ripple effect. When you wake up in the morning, become conscious of the attitude you are gliding out of bed with. Can you start each day with a grateful heart? Remember not everyone woke up this morning, and you have been gifted today, to show up in your fullest light. Give yourself the little pep talks you need, breathe deeply into your heart, and choose to approach life with reverence and gratitude. The full moon is a great time to tend to your physical needs. When your physical body is rested and clear, your energetic body will feel vital and alive. It is from this space you can manifest with ease.
This month your visions and dreams for the future are unfolding in new and surprising ways. You may feel your career taking on a whole new shape. If you knew you were going to impact a lot of people, what message or feeling would you want to spread far and wide? Really plug yourself into this idea as you can in fact have a great impact and reach when you believe it is possible. Your social circles and business networks will expand and diversify a lot this month and increasingly through the year, so also bring awareness to new connection points you are making. Make use of all the small opportunities you have to be kind and generous with others. The later phases of the month will see you fine-tuning creative projects. You can get a lot done when you choose to block the outside noise. It is a time to focus and channel your energy into something without distraction.
This month you are hyper-aware of the work you are committing to and the legacy you want to leave behind. What is it that you desire from your chosen line of work? And how do you want to be seen by others in this role? As humans, we all deserve and desire to be seen, heard, and felt in the truth of who we are. Beyond the title of your career, consider the energy you want to radiate out to others. It is not about handing your power over to the way others perceive you, but simply about showing up in the most authentic energetic state. Watch out for new people entering the scene. You will find new guides, muses, and inspiring leaders that will motivate you to take bold action. You’ve learned some solid lessons as it relates to intimacy, trust, and boundaries already this year. These lessons will prove to be incredibly valuable as the month goes on.
This month you can expect to venture on some deep journeys with people close to you. You will be going beyond surface-level conversations and routine actions with friends, romantic interests, colleagues, and family members. This will require you to be vulnerable. As you shed protective walls, the level of intimacy you experience with people will strengthen. There is also the possibility for some dreamy travels and adventures this month. You will be learning something new or perhaps even teaching others something new. After some interesting relationship and career hurdles at the beginning of the year, you are welcoming in some more stability and momentum in these areas. Your working life will start to pick up speed, especially in the last two weeks. Build the structures at the beginning of the month that will hold the positive influx of energy later on.
You are resetting the way you approach and show up in your relationships this month. If there is an unhealthy power dynamic at play, you need to flip it so that you feel strong, worthy, and equal in the situation. Be fearless as you make changes to relationship patterns that may have been playing out for years. It will take consistency and effort to shift things, but the long-term benefits will be well worth it. Don’t be surprised if people share a few secrets or private stories with you this month. Your ability to hold a safe space with an open heart will attract this behaviour. Put in place boundaries when it feels like too much to hold. The full moon is a good time to consider your financial goals and start to really believe in the most abundant version of you. As the month progresses, you will be planning some fun adventures, travels, and even spiritual pursuits.
This month brings a lot of expansion to your relationships. Allow yourself to dream big in this arena. It is okay to want more, even when things feel pretty good. Spend time in gratitude for the people and connections already in your life. As you tap into the frequency of gratitude, the magnetic field around your heart literally strengthens and will help to attract even more beauty and love in your relationships. You have been experimenting with your creativity and self-expression this year. This month you will have clarity around the way you want to express yourself going forward. There is no more time for self-doubt. Feeling truly seen can be scary and you will need to practice regulating your nervous system in these situations. Under the full moon, your one task is to love thy self. Self-love is the basis from which you can invest energy into others sustainably.
Your life is a series of mental images expressed, so choose to envision the best. Consider what your dream day looks like. Paint a picture in your mind of the people you see, the activities you participate in, the downtime you enjoy, and the places you visit. This month is not just about dreaming but bringing dreams into reality. Acknowledge the parts of your current routine that align with your dream day and the parts that could be adjusted. There have been a few creative projects on your mind in recent weeks and this month you are asked to think outside the box. It’s okay to rejig the plan. Any rejection you’ve felt over the past weeks is simply redirection in your favour. Your past efforts provide the backbone of what is to come and there is something new to be birthed. The last part of the month brings a lot of fun, play and forward motion in your relationships.
This month is a great time to spread kindness, do good deeds, smile at strangers, and challenge yourself to be vulnerable. It takes a lot for someone to earn your trust but once someone is in your close circle, your loyalty to them is unrivaled. When the trust is lost, however, you will not hang around. While it’s important to remain in your worth, don’t let past hurts prevent you from cracking open your heart again and again. This month you have a lot of love to give, so be generous with it. Vocalising your feelings can feel scary but in the process, you will really build confidence in your voice. You are making some big changes to your home environment. Continue to bring your unique flavour into the spaces you inhabit. The later phase of the month brings changes to your health and wellness regimes. Your body is the antenna for your Soul so do what you need to do to become a clear channel.
This month you will be nesting and spending quality time in your home. Arrange your surroundings so that they feel nourishing for your Soul. You are an adventurer and at heart, and perhaps “home” is not just one place but what’s important right now is that you have a safe and comfortable haven to rest. It is a beautiful month to mother yourself, and tend to any of your inner child's needs. Be patient and loving with yourself as you navigate any triggering situations. Over the past couple of months, old money stories have resurfaced and you can really use this month to firmly redefine your sense of value and worth. The full moon is a great time to bring awareness to your career. Your beliefs around money are likely connected with your career, so this is a great moment to relinquish limiting beliefs. Expect the creative juices to be flowing at the end of the month.
This month you have opinions to express, stories to tell, and connections to make with your local community. Your words hold a lot of power so be mindful of what you vocalise. Deliberately speak into existence all that you have been dreaming of. The early phases of the year have assisted you in knowing yourself at a deeper level. Reflect on the self-discovery process that has unfolded. What have you learned about your personal sense of identity? It is now time to be bold in your leadership. There are new work projects and income portals opening up when you do. The final phase of the month is all about setting up your home space, arranging things around so that you feel comfortable, safe, and inspired. Never underestimate the impact your environment has on your well-being. Big changes will unfold in the home this year, so now is the time to get things ready.
This month opens you up to financial abundance. Have you got structures in place to hold the influx? When it comes to manifesting financial shifts, it is important that you are not just visualising what you want but also taking the necessary physical action that will allow you to receive what you are asking for. You can expect to feel a renewed sense of self early on in the month. You might literally change your appearance in some way and there will certainly be an internal makeover going on. Over the past couple of months, there have been some challenging situations that have asked you to go deep within. This month you are able to zoom out and see things from a new perspective. You can now see the world through fresh eyes. The final leg of the month will have you feeling more extroverted and willing to connect with people in your community. Enjoy this playful energy.
This month is a time to really celebrate your unique essence and all of the beautiful and complex layers you embody. There is a lot of emotion running wild and it’s important to be present for the highs, lows, and all that is in between. Your psychic abilities will be strong but ensure you are not living in the ethers all month. Move, stretch, dance, and be present in your body. You will receive an abundance of new and unique ideas so have a notepad handy at all times. Note down any insights you receive in your dreams or in meditation. This year it has become increasingly clear who your people are. Take stock of the support you have received from your wider community and give them some love in return. The full moon is a beautiful time to celebrate and call in special relationships. The final phase of the month will bring attention to new work projects. You have what it takes!
PS - If you have the means to support Ukraine via donations to help alleviate the unfolding crisis we have shared some important resources below —
Ukranian Red Cross — Humanitarian relief to Ukrainians affected by the conflict.
Voices of Children — This organisation helps provide psychological and psychosocial support to Ukrainian children affected by armed conflict.
Save the Children — Based in the U.K., Save the Children has created a Ukraine crisis-relief fund that’s getting food, water, hygiene kits, cash, and psychosocial support to children and families.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Pschology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
Image via CLO