October horoscope
October transformation
This month there is a LOT going on. All the work you did to bring balance into your life in September will help to keep you grounded through the big jolts and energy shifts of October.
October provides new ideas, revelations, plot twists, deep releases, and fast-speed transformation. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! You might just find your life direction alters significantly.
The big lessons to come from this month will be around non-attachment and remaining open to miracles.
Image credit: Sarah Espeute
Key dates
2 Oct -Mercury stations direct
everything starts to ease up as it relates to your words, thoughts, technology, and travel. Mercury will be in its post-retrograde shadow until the 15th of October. Until then there may be some final reviewing to be done of your daily routines, health goals, and relationship dynamics.
10 Oct - Full Moon in Aires
a time to be brave, to let go of old identities that are holding you back, and to celebrate how far you have come in your self-discovery and self-growth this year.
25 Oct - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
a time to set intentions around releasing toxicity in your life and to really connect with your physical body as a channel for your intuitive wisdom. The next two weeks will catapult your transformation and it’s important to have trust in the Universe. Even when things feel hard, remember everything is working out in your favour.
30 Oct - Mars Retrograde
the next four months will be testing for the ego, and it is a time to really get curious about what motivates you in your daily life. Does your motivation stem from a healthy place or a fear-based ego-driven place? It is a time to strip away all the activities that you are doing to prove yourself to be worthy in the eyes of another. It is a time to remember your inherent worth.
Where you are being called to step up and lead right now? Over the past couple of months, you have received a refreshing reminder of your inner power. Where can you continue to push up against old limits? The full moon is a ripe opportunity to set yourself one final challenge to complete this year. The possibilities of what you are capable of are infinite. Tap into the innate fire and passion that burns within you. The new moon will provide you with deep spiritual revelations along with major releases of toxic relationships and toxic ways of thinking. Your relationships have been a container in which you have been growing a lot recently. You need to take responsibility for the part you have played in any unhealthy relationship dynamics. You and only you can set yourself free and that’s the “ah-ha” you will really understand around the new moon. At the end of the month practice speaking from the depths of your belly, rather than from the head. You will notice the tone of your voice exudes much more confidence.
This month is a great time to set yourself a challenge to spend some time in blank space, with absolutely nothing on the to-do list. Can you enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing? Get bored enough that creativity has no choice but to spark within you. Sometimes it takes a period of discomfort, resisting the desire to reach out to the world for stimulation, to unlock a whole lot of wisdom and fresh inspiration inside. You are learning more and more about boundaries this month. Where do you need to use the word NO with more conviction? Don’t be afraid to put something or someone on pause right now. You will realise that your worth and your relevance remain even when you step away from the thing that you had thought your worth was tied up in. The new moon offers a beautiful opportunity to let go of relationship insecurities. Something big is stirring that will change your relationships going forward and anything that is meant to be cleared will be. It is all happening for your highest good.
What is your Soul deeply yearning for right now? What is it calling you to do? This month it’s time to be very expressive, playful, and brave as you live from the heart. It is also time to challenge yourself to expand your community and network. On the full moon, reflect on the way your circle has changed over the past year. What friendships and romances have been seasonal? What ones have lasted the distance? What have you learned from all of them? You are a naturally sociable creature, able to befriend people from all walks of life, so turn on your charm as you have new people to meet this month. Get comfortable with showing the real you; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Don’t hide away until you look perfect, nor walk around pretending everything is perfect. Embrace the beauty that lies in imperfection. The new moon is a good time to purge out practices from your daily routine that are no longer serving you. What kind of rituals and routines can you invite into your world to reinvigorate you this season?
This month you must continue to turn inward for answers rather than seeking them from “out there.” You have so much wisdom within you, and you need to trust it. There will be time for deep inner work and self-reflection, while also time for brave action. You will need to invoke a lot of self-discipline and self-trust along the way. Practice blocking out the noise of the outside world and all the “should-do” voices that like to swoop in. You are carving out your own path and others’ advice will only stall this process. The full moon is a good time to set career goals. You are highly capable, but imposter syndrome can get the better of you. Give yourself the nudge towards something that feels a bit scary. What you resist is the exact thing your Soul needs to evolve. The later phases of the month are all about healthy self-expression. Make sure you are not saying things to please people or control people. Just speak with honesty and let your authenticity be the filter for who stays and goes in your world. Don’t mute nor dilute what is hot on your heart.
This month you will be taking a few short trips and spending more time with your local community, family, and people close to home. Be intentional with your connections so that your energy is not spread thin. There are some cords that need to be cut with people who are an energy drain. It doesn’t need to be a dramatic process. You will know when something no longer feels like an energetic match. There are also some big clear-outs needed in your home. You may feel inclined to do a big spring clean or perhaps implement boundaries so that your home really feels like a sanctuary. It is all about letting go of the old and welcoming the new. Fresh life wants to grow around you. The full moon is a lovely moment to reflect on what you have learned this year from mentors, friends, different cultures, and other places outside of your normal group and routine. There has likely been some deeper exploration you have done over the past few months. Powerful shifts have occurred and your perspective on life has changed for the better.
This month, you have a lot of energy to devote to your work though you may feel overwhelmed with all the different directions things could go. Instead of spiralling into analysis paralysis, pay attention to your intuition. If something feels out of alignment, take the action needed to create change. If you don’t act upon it yourself, the Universe will force your hand. With the arrival of eclipse season, change will be happening at rapid speed, so implement rituals that keep you grounded. This year, you have experienced moments of deep vulnerability, and it takes a lot of courage to let people into your private world. Under the full moon, celebrate your growth in this department, and also give yourself one last nudge of encouragement to be seen in your most authentic light. It is a wonderful time to be out in nature near the end of the month and keep your time with technology to a minimum. Be purposeful with how much time you spend on social media as your mind wants to be stimulated by the real world not the little squares on the screen.
This month is one to celebrate you! Welcome the sweet messages and praise from those around you. You often place others in the spotlight but this month it’s time to soak up the attention. Can you be in the mode of receiving without feeling the need to give anything in return? Let your people lift you up and appreciate you. You are already on the path that you are supposed to be on so notice if you are doubting yourself or overthinking things. If minor adjustments need to be made, you can trust the Universe will guide you to the next right step. The full moon is a good time to reflect on how you have grown within your relationships this year. Have you advocated for your own needs? Have you acted from your heart or your head? Get curious about what the next phase of growth is in your relationships. The eclipses can bring about big shifts in money. Stay open to miracles and welcome in what is rightly yours. Whatever you desire, also desires you but you need to feel worthy of it in order for it to manifest.
This month is one to connect with before expanding out. Practices like meditation, breath work, journalling, and time in nature are beautiful to synchronise you to your inner rhythms. Pay attention to your dreams and any signs, synchronicities, or symbols that you see. Your spiritual connection is strong and there are messages for you to decipher. The full moon is a time to reflect on how satisfied you are with your daily activities and the work-life balance you have. Challenge yourself to tighten up your routine so that no unnecessary energy leaks are occurring. Who and/ or what needs to go so that you can be your best, most vibrant self? Later in the month, it’s your time to shine. After an introspective first few weeks, you will feel called to step out and really be in your power and sovereignty. You will be birthing new creations in the world, and this means pushing past fears and doubts. Old insecurities may come to the surface, but as soon as they are in the light of observation, they lose their charge and can be cleared for good.
This month presents a wonderful opportunity to strengthen your rapport with your wider community. It’s not a time to sit on the side-lines. It’s a time to get involved and bring your energy into new spaces. There is a message you have to share, whether that is in person, online, or through your products and services. You love spontaneity and mixing things up but there is a new way you are being called to express yourself and this change requires bravery. There is a certain energetic frequency you have been emitting for a while, but you have outgrown that version of yourself, and your community needs to get to know this next-level iteration of you. You will also feel a shift in what you desire in your close relationships. Take a breath before you act impulsively. The new moon is one that begs you to take time out, to gift yourself space. Sweet and simple space. Space to be and to feel and to just drop inside. Let out a sigh and hold your hands to your heart or your belly. Let it be a moment to connect with the deepest part of you.
This month you will continue to make refinements to your work life. Make it your mission to bring more joy, sweetness, and beauty into your daily work activities. Maybe that means delegating tasks that drain your energy, dressing in a way that brings you joy, adorning your office with beautiful art, or doing something fun to build working relationships. You need to strengthen your sense of self-trust this month. Question what has been motivating your daily actions. What has been sparking the fire that burns beneath you? Your actions must not be fuelled purely by external validation. That approval needs to come from yourself first. What would you do if you knew you would be supported? Trust the nudges your Soul is giving you. The full moon will shine a light on any healing that you have done this year within your family dynamics and, in particular, with the matriarchal line. Celebrate the healing that has gone on. The new moon is a time to reflect on your friendships. Cut ties that no longer feel in alignment to open space for new Soul connections.
This month, you are drawn to learn more about the world. You may be learning about something alternative, connecting with a new mentor, or booking an educational trip somewhere. Your mind is always stretching to see things from new perspectives. Keep feeding your mind with insightful information and providing it with problems to solve. The full moon is a time to give voice to something within. Your ability to express yourself authentically has been improving over the past few months, and the full moon provides an extra boost of confidence to speak up on anything you have held inside out of fear. Say it aloud, even if that means saying something to yourself in the mirror. If there is a decision you have been wanting to make but haven’t made due to a lack of confidence and security, the new moon is the time to trust your intuitive knowledge and take the leap. If you never try, you’ll never know. What’s the worst that could happen? Address what you would do in the worst-case scenario, as it’s probably not nearly as scary as the unknown.
This month you are going through a big awakening. There is a new way you will be operating in the world soon. This doesn’t mean everything is going to flip on its head overnight, but there will be a gentle clearing out of the old. You can no longer cling to the past, to places, or to people. You are ready to grow, and your personal belief systems may be tested as you do. Have a lot of faith in the spiritual support system around you. There is some integration that will happen later in the month where you are encouraged to reflect on some big changes that happened at the beginning of the year, the seeds that were planted, and now the fruits that are beginning to show. You need to say open to more upgrades. At times these can be energetically draining, and at other times energetically charging. Go with the ebbs and flows. The full moon is one to celebrate your achievements in advocating for yourself in recent months. It’s also a great time to set intentions around finances and awaken prosperity consciousness within you.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.