November horoscope by Hannah Crerar
November packs a mighty punch. It is not a time to hit cruise control. It is a month to be awake and alert to all the changes that unravel. We begin the month in Scorpio season which is always going to bring intensity, depth, and transformation. Add to that an eclipse and some difficult aspects between planets - change is truly inevitable.
5th November - New Moon in Scorpio
This new moon is one to go deep within. Get intimate with all that is dark and mysterious. Tune into all layers of your body - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Due to the opposition with Uranus in Taurus, this may bring about shocking revelations and heightened activity on the earth and in our emotional bodies. You may feel you can no longer hold back on something in your life.
10th November - Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius
This is a tense aspect that may cause frustration and roadblocks. Part of us is eager to move forward but we may feel life is putting on the breaks. Breathe through this moment. Sometimes we need to experience constriction to truly appreciate freedom when it arises.
19th November - Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
This full moon begins a new cycle of eclipses on the Scorpio-Taurus axis that will continue through to 2023. Anything that occurs now offers clues around the themes that will be present over the next 18 months. Eclipses bring sudden change and the energy of Taurus will encourage us to simplify our lifestyle, to reconnect with the earth, and to focus on what is sustainable. Romantic and financial matters may also be highlighted in your life. Be open to things changing and embrace the process.
21st November - Sun enters Sagittarius
As the sun enters the fiery sign of Sagittarius, we are given a breath of fresh air and an optimistic outlook toward the future. However, this optimism must not be conditional, nor inauthentic. When you are honest about your situation and allow yourself to look at it clearly, optimism will show you the silver linings.
Image : Helmut Lang
This month your attention to detail is sharp. You must direct that laser focus on the things and people in your life that truly matter. Your attention is your greatest currency and if you wither it away on meaningless distractions you will miss beautiful possibilities for real growth. Work on your abundance mindset right now as the way you make a living will go through a shake-up and if you are living in a scarcity mindset this will only increase fear. There are wonderful opportunities to bring more wealth in your world but the foundation of gratitude must be in place. Appreciation for what is will turn on the tap of abundance. This can be a beautiful time to clarify your visions for the future, to consider what brings you joy. Even if you experience limitations in your physical world right now, your imagination and dreams are limitless. So allow yourself to indulge in creative practices. Read, learn, put your attention on everything you seek to expand in your world.
This month your relationship with others and with yourself is a focal point. Relationships provide a spiritual learning ground. They illuminate the many layers of who you are. People and situations that trigger you, serve to highlight what you have not accepted within yourself. People and situations that bring you immense joy, highlight areas you celebrate and love within yourself. This month when difficulties or intense moments arise within your relationships, pause, breathe and consider what the most evolutionary action would be. Where can you break an old pattern of behaviour? Where can you set a new foundation? Choose to love yourself more and you’ll be amazed at how the people in your world reflect that. Your chosen line of work is also a big focus this month. The relationship dynamics within the workspace may be shifting. Show up with an open mind and an open heart and the transformations ahead can only be positive.
This month your physical health, mental health, and spiritual health must all be considered. You are striking the balance between doing what is best for the collective while honouring your individual truth. You will hear the internal whispers of what is true for you. Even if you have been suppressing these messages and intuitive knowings for a while, they can no longer stay below the surface. The insights you receive may be surprising and unexpected. Go with it. Nourish your physical body. Rest, hydrate and breathe. Your body is the instrument that connects you with the divine and your sensitive nervous system needs to be calm and centred to navigate the big changes and shifts on the horizon. You may find yourself redefining who and what you want to commit to. True intimacy is only possible when you are willing to be vulnerable and you have deep and unwavering trust in yourself. Spend as much time as you need building that inner connection.
This month begins with a focus on your creations, your dreams, and your investments. What needs your attention? What has the possibility to bear fruit? Your future self will thank you for putting in the hard yards now. In the process of taking action, you may even find that your visions for the future shift in unexpected but welcome ways. The month does bring a lot of intense energy but there is a letting go happening for you. There is a softening of the walls that will allow you to experience new kinds of friendships, flirtations, and deep intimate connections. Though you can be highly protective of your own space, it’s time to let down your guard, open up to life and learn to feel safe in the unknown. Getting your routines and rituals down to a fine art is going to be a useful way to prepare for the months ahead. It will provide you with the grounding that is needed if shifts in your external world feel heightened.
This month is a great time to make whatever changes are necessary in your home space. Maybe you are moving furniture, sage-ing the bedrooms, reconsidering who you invite over, or perhaps even considering relocation. There is something in the home that needs to be cleared energetically to bring you into a state of alignment. Be intentional with the changes you make. The intention is what builds the momentum in the right direction. Your work life is likely to undergo a dramatic shift over the next few weeks and it’s important you don’t let it pull all your energy. Your home space will be the sanctuary that can keep you grounded. It’s a good time to consider what is truly bringing you joy in the day-to-day. You need to prioritise that. Recently you may have felt stagnant or restricted but it’s time to empower yourself to make the changes that are possible right now, starting with your mindset. Implementing a daily gratitude practice will do wonders.
This month is all about communication whether that is with friends, followers colleagues, or lovers. It is important that you are using your voice to express what is hot on your heart. The world is going through some intense shifts right now and messages of love and support are so needed. Remember that communication can take many forms. Sometimes it is simply a loving glance, a hug, an act of service, or a listening ear. Other times it’s a letter in the mail, a phone call or a face-to-face conversation. Be conscious of how you are communicating with others at all times and come from a compassionate and loving place. Do not shy away from difficult conversations. In fact, embrace them. Call upon your inner courage and bravery. Later in the month give your attention to creative projects. The ground is fertile. What are you wanting to birth into the world? The past needs to be released to birth something new into the world, so use the mantra “let go” to carry you along.
This month your attention will be channeled toward work projects, financial investments, and creative endeavours. When it comes to your work, it is important you listen to your heart. The world is undergoing a paradigm shift and when it comes to succeeding in business, passion must be a priority. Tune in to what makes you happy, what warms you inside, and bring that energy into the work arena. It is likely that secrets will be revealed this month, whether in your personal life or on the global stage. When big shifts occur, fear is never the answer. Instead, it is an invitation for you to trust the process. When you allow the transitions to happen without a fight, you are swiftly placed onto the path that supports your greatest evolution. Later in the month, you may feel like nesting, making your home space cosy, and dealing with family affairs. You love your people, and it’s a great time to connect with them.
This month the spotlight is on you and the energy is intense. You may be feeling all kinds of deep soul activations. It is a time to go deep within, connect to your lower chakras and release all the old stories and beliefs that are holding you back. Themes of trust, creativity, emotionality, and power are all important. They will be reinforced within your close relationships. You will uncover a new side to your relationships this month. Don’t hold on too tightly to what was. There is an exciting new chapter emerging, so stay open to what is around the corner. Notice if you feel inclined to alter your physical appearance. It is not about seeking external validation but expressing yourself in an authentic way. Give yourself permission to explore all possibilities. Don’t feel constricted by the ways you have expressed yourself in the past. All that matters is that your feel confident. When you radiate that energy, others will be magnetised toward you.
This month is one to go deep within, to explore your spiritual body, and to truly listen to the unpredictable yet, all-knowing guidance of your spirit. It requires some patience. It is not a time to numb out or avoid or get distracted. When you become fully present you may feel the kundalini energy within you is awake and rising. Ensure you tend to your physical body so that energy can flow. Move, shake, dance breathe and make any sounds you like to really shift into alignment. And then make time for stillness. This is the month to let changes happen, without the interferences of your mind. Change is upon us all. Being in the right energetic state eases the ride. You will likely experience shifts in your physical body, shifts in your friendship dynamics, and potentially shifts within your neighbourhoods, or who you refer to as your close community. It’s an important time for you to redefine what you value in your work and then get ready to shine later in the month.
This month the focus is on your friendships and wider networks. Who can you help? Being of service to humanity is the most wonderful and enriching task on the planet and is the key to true happiness. Many great sages have shared that the quickest way to feel joy is to bring joy to another. Of course, this is not about giving tirelessly from an empty cup but consider how you can bring a smile to someone’s face. The wheel of karma is always spinning and when you give value, you receive value. This month may bring new romantic connections into your life, or may send a breath of fresh air into existing ones. Delight in it all. Striking the right balance between friendships, romantic connections and work is a fine art. Making mistakes is part of the process so don’t be hard on yourself if you get it wrong. This month it’s important to let yourself feel love and to implement beautiful self-care rituals in your day. You are worthy of so much respect so make sure you are setting the tone.
This month brings attention to your career and your sense of safety and security. You will feel driven to consider what career path will really serve you long term. What is the legacy you want to leave behind? Don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit. You have incredible visionary gifts so explore your dreams and start believing in them wholeheartedly. It will be important to consider what and who you call home and to accept the shifts that have been happening within your family and home dynamics all year. It is not about passively accepting the changes, but empowering yourself in the process, and honouring your personal preferences. You may find your spiritual gifts attract some attention this month. Don’t force or pressure anything to happen but be open to your healing powers coming through strongly. There is an ability to connect with like-minded Souls at the end of the month. Stay true to your values and the right circles will form around you.
This month is a great spiritual journey and one that will have you feeling very deeply. Your emotional sensitivity is your greatest strength, however, you should not let the intensity of the month overwhelm you. Let your emotions be the springboard to connect you with what really matters. You may feel the urge to move location or go on an adventure but remind yourself that sometimes the greatest adventure you can go on is the journey within. You can also expect certain events and lifestyle changes to challenge your personal beliefs and moral code. You may even find that you are suddenly ready to let go of an old habit, addiction, or stubborn limiting belief. All the change that is happening is purposeful so it is important you are not in a state of resistance. When one door closes, another opens. Pay attention to the world around you as there will be many opportunities available to collaborate and connect with like-minded communities.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
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