May Horoscope
May is going to be a month dedicated to laying the foundations. Metaphorically it is time to water your garden where you want it to grow. Consider what areas of life you need to implement solid foundations, and what visions you want to work towards.
As we start the month in Taurus season, you are encouraged to slow down, press pause on “busy”, and connect with your physical body. Sometimes you need to slow down to get further in life and sometimes you need to rest to be truly productive.
Last month, the eclipse and mercury retrograde created some distracted and frazzled energy. May offers an opportunity to get grounded and integrate the lessons that you have been served since the start of the year.
Key Dates
3rd Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius
There may be some global power struggles that become more apparent over the next few months. Notice what kind of transformations are happening on a collective level. The importance of communities will become emphasised. People need to come together to support one another.
8th New Moon in Taurus
The new moon is a good time to clarify your visions for the future so that you know what you need to prioritise in this season of your life. What needs your attention? What new beginnings are naturally starting to emerge for you?
21st Gemini season begins
This is a season where curiosity starts to stir. Your mind and heart may begin to wander to new passions. It is a good time to remind yourself what you are building towards and what foundations you are laying for yourself.
23rd Full Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a naturally optimistic and fearless sign. It sets its sights high. Notice where you may have been settling for something less than you know you truly desire and deserve. Take a chance on yourself and use your voice to express what lives within.
26th Jupiter enters Gemini
Jupiter is a planet of abundance and magnification. As it enters the sign of the twins, it will expand your ideas, your options, and your thoughts. You are about to enter a whole new world of possibility so notice who shows up in your life, the conversations you are having and the opportunities that arise.
This month is about up-leveling. Where have you been doubting yourself? What limiting beliefs have been getting in the way of your growth? There is a new level of self-worth you are here to embody. Get clear on who you need to surround yourself with. Who sees you for who you truly are? Cut out the fluff that isn’t serving you. Prune out people that feel like a heavyweight, and let go of projects that no longer inspire you. The new moon emphasises your financial and business goals. It is a great time to set new intentions and drop into a practice of visualisation. Imagine everything panning out exactly as you desire. As the month progresses you will feel inspired to connect more with your community. Say yes to new opportunities that arise. Lean into your spontaneous nature and do things that feel out of your comfort zone. New people and opportunities will be entering your life. Observe what and who flows in. Your creative juices will be flowing near the end of the month and you may feel inspired to create something for a wider audience; whether that is a podcast, a book, or a teaching platform; there is a message you want to get across. Be conscious of what you are consuming; from food, to information, to noise. Everything is impacting your nervous system. It is a good month to implement social media breaks and perhaps consider doing a full digital detox for a day or a weekend. This is an invaluable practice that will help reconnect you with your truth. It will also inspire you to prioritise real-life connections. The full moon asks you to be brave, plan a new adventure, and above all listen to your intuition. You are ready to make your dreams a reality.
Taurus season is here and it is your time to shine. You don’t need to play it safe or live in the shadows. Step out into the spotlight and enjoy the attention coming your way. May is about connecting with your future visions. What is the direction you want your life to take? The new moon is an opportune moment to plant intentions. What do you want to manifest over the next 6 months? What key areas of life feel important? Where are you acting in alignment with your visions? Where are you not? There is so much growth potential and this is just the beginning. As the month progresses, your self-worth will be tested; particularly within work. Where have you been playing small? What have you been accepting or settling for? Remember this month is a time of growth and expansion and you need to set firm boundaries with other people as well as yourself so that you are upholding higher standards. You are worthy of a beautiful, enriching, and fulfilling life. Get clear on what you value and ensure your words, actions, and relationships uphold those values. The end of the month brings positive financial shifts. Consider what internal money stories need to be rewritten so that you can claim true abundance and wealth. It starts with defining what wealth really means to you. Over the next few months, it is time to work smarter, not harder. That doesn’t mean opting out of all hard tasks, but it means choosing the hard tasks that are really worth your time and effort. The full moon may feel deeply emotional. You may desire more privacy and your heart may feel tender. Be vulnerable with the people you love and share what you are feeling.
The month begins with some deep introspection. You are feeling called to go within, and it’s important not to overcrowd your schedule or overcommit yourself. Have some blank space in the calendar. There are so many insights you can receive in quiet solo moments. Of course, you have a very sociable nature and it's important to connect with people in your life that truly fill your cup; but also make time to connect with yourself. Under the new moon, get clear on the vision you have for the next 6 months. What do you want to achieve? Reverse engineer things so that you know what needs to be a priority in this season of your life. There is so much self-growth that is on the horizon and when Gemini season begins, it will be time to shed old layers of self that you have outgrown. You will feel much more inclined to step into the spotlight and let your charismatic self be seen. The inner work at the beginning of the month is important to improve your self-confidence. Get to know who you are and what you value so that you can feel a sense of true grounded power when you are out in the world. Your mind is always hungry for knowledge and the next few months spark the desire to travel and learn. Trust the intuitive urges you receive. The full moon shines brightly on your relationships. What would you say to someone if you knew you could not get it wrong, be rejected, or fail? As a cathartic exercise; write a letter expressing your true feelings. It is your choice whether you send it, burn it, rip it up, or store it away. The purpose is to get the words out. Witness how profoundly this shifts your energy.
When you cultivate a strong connection with yourself, you are able to connect with others from a place of truth and authenticity. You will have multiple opportunities this month to witness yourself radiating confidence in social situations as a direct result of the inner work you have done. Under the new moon, close your eyes and tune into that innermost self. What have you been dreaming about for a while? Where does your mind wander when you give it space? There is a reason these ideas, dreams, and inspirations have been floating around. They need you to bring them to life. They want you to put them into action. Get clear on the first steps you can take to make your dreams a reality. Don’t doubt your capabilities. Your dreams come to you because you are the perfect vessel to carry them out. You may find your intuition is increasingly loud near the end of the month. You may also feel more sensitive, and tender and need more time to process things. There is a lot you can learn by being with yourself and exiting the drama of life. Take time to meditate, journal, and imagine. It is also a good month to get absorbed in content that is generated by people you admire. You may find interesting messages coming to you via the media. So be deliberate with the things you read or watch. Ask for signs, and you will likely receive them. This month remember that vulnerability is your superpower so don’t be afraid to let people in when you feel you need a helping hand. The full moon shines light on your daily routines. What works and what doesn’t? Write down a list of practices that will serve you on the level of body mind and soul.
This month brings emphasis to your career and long-term visions. What feels important for you to do in this world? Think big. Dream limitlessly. What are some things you want to achieve in this lifetime? What work have you already created in this world that you are proud of? What relationships have you formed that have generated amazing opportunities? What projects have brought you a lot of satisfaction or passion? These next few weeks are a wonderful time to think about what you want to build in this next phase of life. Under the new moon, set clear intentions about the things that feel most important to you. Consider where you energy is best directed so that you can make genuine progress. You are naturally a bright, warm, charming, and magnetic person. That light within you will shine even brighter near the end of the month and you will witness yourself attracting a lot of attention. Only accept the people who have pure intentions and bring positive energy into your life, and implement firm boundaries where necessary. Your relationships will be under deep review over the next few months. What needs healing? What conversations do you need to have with yourself or others? This full moon is an invitation to be brave and put yourself first. If you feel energetically and emotionally heightened, give yourself space to process all of it. Take the pressure off of yourself to come up with any final answers or decisions. Journaling is a wonderful practice to make sense of your emotions and thoughts. Talking things out and being around people you love are also important. Do whatever you need to do to feel supported and remember you are so loved.
This month is a wonderful time to learn something new. The Universe wants you to take a leap of faith and lean into the unknown. What have you been thinking about but not acting on? What idea have you been sitting on for a while? This month it’s time to remove the blocks that have been holding you back. Under the new moon, get practical. What action steps, big or small, can you take to get the ball rolling? It is a wonderful month to find creative inspiration in unlikely places. You need to make time for aimless wandering, random conversations, and daydreaming. When you give your body and mind space, away from the daily grind and autopilot habits, it’s amazing what shows up physically and in your consciousness. Later in the month, it is a wonderful time to set new career goals. You may find some amazing opportunities present out of nowhere. Jupiter is going to be influencing your career for the next year; bringing abundance, expansion, and positive energy. There are some areas of your daily life that are no longer serving you and they will become evident this month. Perhaps it's the people you are around, the diet you are consuming, or the movement you are practicing. Be mindful about the little things that fill your day and ensure that everything feels high vibration. As the seasons are shifting it’s important to mix things up. Under the full moon prioritise nourishment. It can be as simple as making yourself a home-cooked meal or taking yourself to bed early. The full moon is also a good time to consider your big visions. Where have you been settling for or living according to someone else’s dream? Live for you and be bold and brave about it.
This month is a time to focus on a few key areas of life and get very immersed in those areas. It may be your physical health, finances, relationships, family, or home; there is no right or wrong. Be willing to place laser beam focus on the specific areas that feel important to you. Your time, energy, and attention are your most precious resources. If you allow yourself to get distracted this month, you will rob yourself of so much growth. The new moon is a time of new beginnings. Write down what your intentions are for the next 6 months as well as 2-3 things you want to manifest in your life. If you feel a little lost or unanchored as the weeks go on, go back and remind yourself of your big visions for those key areas of life you have chosen to dedicate time to. Let these visions guide your every action throughout the month. Notice any limiting beliefs that stand in your way. You need to trust and believe you are worthy of all that you desire. If there are old stories that are holding you back, it’s a great month to prove them wrong. Over the next few months, you may be reviewing decisions you have made in relationships. Consider how you can show up better and therefore attract more loving and healthy relationship dynamics. The next few months are also an opportune time to go back and connect with your younger self. Sometimes it helps to find an old photo of you as a child so that you can connect with their purity and essence. The full moon, at the end of the month, shines a light on your sense of community as well as the place you call home. You might actually feel an urge to move or make plans to explore new locations. It is not a time to make any impulsive decisions but take note of your intuitive feelings.
This month is all about laying solid and strong foundations in your life. What has felt difficult? Where have you been distracted? What patterns have been showing up in your life? This month is about letting go of all the unnecessary baggage and taking action toward your true Soul visions. If you are unclear on what your vision really is use the new moon to journal and ask yourself those deeper questions. What do you desire in your relationships, home, work, family, and health? Get curious about all areas of your life. Journalling can encourage the creative and intuitive side of your mind to work. Choose 2-3 key areas that feel important in this season of your life. There is an emphasis on relationships this month; particularly intimate relationships. Whether you need to strengthen existing relationships or open yourself up to new ones; it is a good month to experiment with new ways of relating and communicating with significant people in your life. This may require you to be more vulnerable in ways that you feel safe to. There are some deep family stories that need to be looked at and you may find yourself healing some ancestral wounds over the next few months. While Pluto is retrograde, you may feel certain power struggles within your home or family life, highlighting where you need to implement firm boundaries. Be brave and prioritise your own needs. No one benefits if you are acting out of compromise or obligation. The full moon is a time to welcome abundance and financial security. The focus is on money as well as self-worth. It is a good time to work with your voice and ability to communicate your desires with confidence.
This month is a time to get clear on the routines that support your highest self. This means taking a clear look at all of the little things you do in your day; the regular actions you take, foods you consume, movements you practice, people you see, and environments you spend time in. All of it matters. Do a complete life audit and check what feels in alignment and what doesn’t. Get clear on 2-3 key things you want to prioritise this month and 2-3 things you want to manifest. Taurus season is all about having a vision and working towards it. Looking at your day-to-day routines; what needs to change so that you can support this greater vision you have for yourself? Your relationships become a strong focus as the weeks go on. What relationships mean the most to you in this season of your life? Are you showing up as your best self in these relationships? What do you value in a partner? What do you value in a friend? What are your desires within relationships over the next 3 months? With Pluto retrograde, there is a deep calling to review your message and the way you are using your voice and communicating with your community. What kind of energy do you want to bring to the table? Focus on that. Experiment with what feels good and what doesn’t. The full moon is all about you. You are given that nudge of encouragement to trust yourself more; to give yourself permission to be bright and shine in your truest way. The eclipse season may have left you feeling a little shaken and tender. Dust yourself off; the road ahead is a little more steady and you have places you want to go. Remind yourself how capable and strong you truly are.
This month is a great time to set strong foundations and make plans for the future. How can you make this exercise fun and playful? What areas of life feel exciting and joyful to focus on? Don’t just bring your mind to the areas of life that feel important but dry. Place emphasis on the parts of life that really get your juices flowing. When you feel passionate in one area of your life; that energy will benefit all other areas of your life. This month, you are encouraged to connect with your younger self. The new moon is a lovely time to do this. What did you love doing as a child? What traits of your inner child can you see in yourself today? How can you honour that child-like spirit within? Later in the month, asses your daily routines. What small tweaks can you make so that your life flows with greater ease? How can you support yourself on all levels: mental, emotional; spiritual, and physical? Write down all the little things that make you feel good. What habits do you want to drop? What are some replacement habits you can implement to support this transition? The next few months; will bring up your money beliefs. Pluto retrograde loves to bring things up from the shadows and this transit will likely show up in your finances. If there are any scarcity-based beliefs inside; now is the time to address them head-on. The full moon charges you up emotionally and energetically. It is a wonderful time to meditate and connect with your spiritual self. You may find that you receive visions, or that your dreams are vivid around this time. Take note of the little signs or ideas you receive because you are always being divinely guided and supported.
This month is all about creating a solid foundation for yourself. Home and family are important pillars to focus on. What and who allows you to feel safe and secure? It is a month that will heighten your connection with your family and ancestors. You may notice that you are healing old patterns. You can also call upon the strength of past loved ones if you need it. The new moon is a time to set intentions for the next 6 months. What do you want to see grow in your life? What areas of life do you want to nurture? What do you hope to manifest? Taurus season is all about practicality, so write down a list of action steps you can take as well as mantras that will support a positive mindset. The end of the month is a playful time; you are able to let your guard down and have some fun. You may find that more people are drawn towards you. Soak up the attention and love but don’t let it overwhelm you. You love your freedom and it’s important that you honour your need for space so set boundaries where necessary. Pluto is retrograde in your sign for the next couple of months. You might feel like your whole identity is going through an overhaul. The most important thing to remember is that it is safe to let go of old parts of you; even if they feel like protective armour. A new layer of self is being exposed but you are ready to embody this next version of yourself. The full moon highlights your community. It is a good time to show gratitude to the people you love and also acknowledge how you have positively influenced their lives. Under this full moon, let your intuition show you what the next chapter is looking like. What are you letting go of and what are you opening up to?
This month is about getting very grounded in your own space, in your own body, and in your own voice. You can be hyper-sensitive to your environment so it can be easy for you to disassociate or become a chameleon. The lines between you and the other can blur without warning. However, this month is about tuning into your own being and not letting your truth be swayed by someone else’s. That might require a bit more solo time. It will also require you to be selective with whom you interact with and the environments you spend time in. Under the new moon, clarify what you want to focus on and the things you want to manifest this month. What do you need to do to make this vision come alive? What do you need to let go of? As the weeks go on, make sure your home space feels and looks good. Be attentive to how the energy is flowing. Use cleansing tools like sage or palo santo to clear out old stagnant energy. Your environment has a direct impact on your energy, emotions, and mental clarity so make it feel good. You may find surprising shifts happening within your family this month. Check in with loved ones as well as implement boundaries where needed. While Pluto is retrograde it may bring some of your subconscious beliefs to the surface. Confront what needs to be confronted and heal what needs to be healed but go at your own unique pace. There is no rush. The full moon shines a light on your career. You are no longer going to settle for something less than what you deserve. Write down your goals and then encourage yourself to expand that vision even bigger. You are ready and worthy of more and this full moon highlights what is and isn’t serving you.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
photo credit: Curious Neo & Friends!