June Horoscope
This month is fun and playful yet it contains rich lessons. It is all about finding the balance between socialising and enjoying yourself alongside doing the deeper inner work.
The Sagittarius Full Moon that starts the month is bountiful and beautiful and will encourage you to feel all the feelings.
It is important to find the balance between consumption and creation over the next few weeks. We live in a highly stimulating world, and it can be easy to consume all day long. Carve out the time to create; however, that looks for you.
Gemini season brings hunger and curiosity into our minds, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. There may be a temptation to rush around and be impulsive with so many new opportunities and ideas arising, but the invitation is to truly commit to something and not give in to distraction or procrastination tactics. Be intentional with where you spend your time and energy, as it will pay off in the long run.
Key Dates
4th June Full Moon in Sagittarius
This full moon is joyful and expansive and opens up new opportunities. Be prepared to feel a whole host of emotions running through you. The ruling planet of this full moon is Jupiter, which amplifies all that it touches. Jupiter is teaching us how to create more abundance in our lives, one step at a time. Be willing to lay the foundations so that you can truly hold all the expansion coming your way.
6th June Venus enters Leo
Venus is the planet of value, sweetness, magnetism, and beauty. It is going to stay in the luminous sign of Leo for 3 months and encourage us all to build our sense of self-worth and inject courage into our lives so that we can be seen, particularly within business and relationships.
12th June Mercury enters Gemini
Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac and feels at home in the sign of Gemini. The next few weeks will be full of fun conversations, new creative ideas, and learning opportunities. Resist the temptation to gossip and focus on high-vibration conversations.
18th June New Moon in Gemini
This new moon is a nice time to set intentions for new beginnings, engage in heart-centred conversations, and connect with close friends. Let your creative mind roam free and be unafraid to ask for help where you need it. It may be time to set in place boundaries around your social media consumption.
21st/ 22nd June Solstice + Cancer Season begins
This is a sensitive and moody day. You may feel protective of your personal space. Get clear on what you want to nurture over the next 6 months.
This month challenges you to take some big risks, explore new areas of your mind, and step into positions of leadership. Be willing to get uncomfortable and nudge at your growth edges. Your energy is magnetic, and you will attract many new people and opportunities toward you over the next few weeks. Engage with people who can offer a different perspective on life. Even when it feels foreign and scary, it is worth the leap if your intuition says yes! The full moon is a time to have fun, but it's also a wonderful time to shine a light on your growth in business. How can you open yourself up to greater wealth and financial freedom? You might find friends, family, and colleagues are all vying for your time. Don’t agree to every social invite. Be intentional with who you spend time with. It’s important to have some white space in the calendar so that you can be present in all your interactions rather than computing a never-ending to-do list in your head. If the constant outpouring of energy towards you feels overwhelming, take some time in your own space to breathe. To show up for others in your most strong and vibrant light, you need to fill your cup up first. You will have so many creative ideas pouring through your mind over the next three months. Write them down, talk them out loud, and actually start to bring them into the world. The more you show the Universe you are listening, the more ideas and support it will send you.
This month opens you up to a deep portal of healing. Your intuition is a strong force, particularly on the night of the full moon, so listen to its whispers. Don’t be afraid of having confronting conversations or exploring your shadows. If you have experienced conflict or pain within your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or business, it is a great time to acknowledge the discomfort, address its root cause and take action to clear it. When you do this, you will feel so liberated and empowered. Your sense of self has gone through a big transformation over the past year and a half, and this month is the final leg of that growth period. Who are you becoming? What does that future self feel like? Lean into that energy. The new moon creates a new beginning within business—set intentions on how you want to generate value in the world. Get clear on your zone of genius. What are you good at, and what do you love doing? Can you infuse these two things into the way you make a living? You will crave a shift in energy within your home space this month. Maybe that means rearranging the furniture, cleaning out the closet, or bringing new people into your home. There are lessons to be learned within your family unit over the next few months. What does family mean to you? How can you nurture that area of your life?
The month kicks off with a strong focus on relationships. How are you left feeling after your interactions with the people in your inner circle? Prioritise relationships that make you feel seen, heard, and safe. The full moon is a good time to consider; what qualities do you seek within your deep partnerships? What qualities do partners appreciate about you? You are opening yourself up to a deeper kind of love this month. Experiences will arise that make you realise what you really value and desire. You might find new people enter the scene, and you might find the power dynamics and levels of vulnerability alter within existing partnerships. As your relationships evolve, so do you. In fact, all relationships are a mirror. The people and connections you attract into your life are invitations to explore and heal your deeper beliefs about the world and your worth. What actions can you take to nurture the relationship you have with yourself? As the weeks go on, notice the kind of mental stimulation you are seeking. There are some fun new areas of interest that will require some dedicated focus over the next few months. Your desires are not random, and you must pursue them. Notice if you find yourself distracted or procrastinating. Be intentional with what you are consuming and make sure you are carving out time in your life for creation. The end of the month brings focus to your business ventures. What needs some loving attention?
This month is all about ruthlessly cutting out everything that is no longer serving a purpose in your life. Maybe there is something you’ve done for a wh,ile, that used to light you up immensely but the passion has dwindled. Maybe there is something you know will shift the needle in your life but you simply haven’t prioritised it yet. This month is the time to breathe fresh life into your habitual behaviours. Humans are creatures of habit and if you can get your habits to work for you, you will soar. The important piece is that you are genuinely dedicated to the path ahead. The full moon shines lights on multiple areas of your life and there is a fertile and creative energy in the air. What are you wanting to birth into the world in the near future? When you trust your intuition, you can make a real impact. Your connection with nature is important this month. Visit the water if you can. This is an important practice, especially when your mind feels busy. The end of the month increases your sense of visibility. As someone who is protective of their own space, it is important to come out of your shell and allow your beautiful light to be seen. Notice what is coming up for you around business and finances. You might find you want new things or that you are attracting new opportunities. These shifts are providing clues about what you will need to focus on and really refine over the next 3 months.
This month is all about having fun. There will be an abundance of new ideas, people, and places to connect with. Dance, play, create, laugh, and clear out the clutter in your life so that you have the capacity to enjoy all of it. Set the intention to live from your heart every day. Venus is entering your sign, where it will stay for the next few months. Your innate warmth and generosity amplifies, and people love to be around that energy. While there is a lot of joy and fun to be experienced during this transit, your sense of self-worth will be put under review. As new opportunities enter your life, pay attention to how worthy you feel to receive them. Notice if imposter syndrome creeps in or if you feel your insecurities rising. These are all invitations to do some deep inner healing. It is the perfect month to explore your inner child and any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. This doesn’t need to be hard and heavy work. You can approach it lightly. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel when you choose to follow the path of self-discovery. The end of the month is a good time to slow down and reflect on the first few busy weeks. Take note of what showed up in the realm of career. This month symbolises a final transition point. How have you grown over the past 18 months? What are your visions for your future? What burns passionately within you? What is the legacy you want to leave behind?
The month begins with a bright and vibrant full moon that is shining a light on your home and family. It is time to go back to your roots. There may be some inner child healing that is calling you. If your younger self ever felt hurt, alone, or ashamed, you may have created a story about yourself or the world in order to protect yourself. Sometimes these old stories place unnecessary limits on your actions today. You are ready to take some big leaps, and this month is a wonderful time to heal those old pain points. Go within and let your inner child know they are safe, loved, and protected, so you can take the brave action you are meant for. The new moon is an excellent moment to set intentions about your career and how you want to expand and grow. Pay attention to the conversations you have over the month, and imagine the Universe is speaking to you through all your interpersonal interactions. What are the subtle messages and signs being delivered to you? Open your mind to new possibilities. You will find your intuition is on speed dial, and your sensitivity is heightened. As an earth sign, you are usually a very grounded force to be around. However, this heightened sensitivity may have you feeling very flighty and unsettled. Use practices that help you to drop into your body so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Place your bare feet on the earth, go for a gentle walk, run yourself a bath, or simply practice some slow, conscious breathing.
The month sparks a sense of curiosity inside. You desire change and adventure. Maybe you want to plan a trip, study something new, or connect with someone who lives a totally different life. Your mind wants to be stimulated and you need to be selective with the inputs you are letting in. You are wired for relationships and it is important to make time for the special people in your life. You know better than anyone how good it feels to love and be loved. Let others know how much you appreciate them and at the same time be open to receiving love, compliments, and helpful gestures. If receiving feels difficult, question why that might be. Sometimes receiving can trigger worthiness wounds. Let your heart crack open even more than it has in the past and welcome all the love you deserve. The full moon is a good time to talk out your feelings or to drop into a serious journalling session. It’s important to confront anything that feels taboo or “too hard-basket.” You have the inner strength to face it and you will find it surprisingly easy once you simply put one foot in front of the other. The later phase of the month brings the focus back to your work. You may find your visions for the future shifting. Give yourself permission to dream big. Write down the kinds of connections you are craving, the types of people you want in your life, the projects you want to work on, the kind of impact you want to have, and the lifestyle you want to lead.
This month means business. It’s time to think long-term and invest in your future. It is a great time to write out any goals you have as well as the intentions behind them. When you know the deeper purpose behind your goals you are much more likely to set forth and achieve them. Keep them top of mind by writing them out on post-it notes, displaying them on your devices or even making a vision board. Around the full moon, you will feel creatively inspired especially in relation to your work and finances. Pay attention to any relationships and collaborative opportunities that arise. The new moon opens up conversations that are long overdue. Your communication gifts are strong and you will tackle the taboo with ease. If something has been hot on your heart, say it. As you let yourself be vulnerable, you give others permission to do the same. With so much focus on your career this month, it is important to ask yourself; where have I been hiding? You are being called more and more into the spotlight. You will be learning how to truly hold the attention of others. What allows you to feel secure? Is it knowledge? Is it relationships? Your own self-approval will provide a sense of security like nothing else so work on that. The end of the month might have you planning a journey of some kind. This kind of journey can come in the disguise of a relationship, a retreat, or a literal trip somewhere new. Stay open and curious.
It is time to let your wild side shine. Sagittarius is a fire sign and this month that little flame inside is burning bright. There is so much you will want to learn, share and teach about. Pay attention to what feels exciting and what sparks your curiosity as there are some deep lessons to embody when you just follow those spikes of desire. The full moon falls in your sign early in the month. You may feel a whole host of emotions come to the surface and it’s important to ride their waves. Move your body, dance things out, and sing with all your heart. Do whatever you need to do to move any funky energy up and out. The moon shines a big bright light over your life. Be willing to ask the bigger questions; How satisfied am I with my health, relationships, business projects, living arrangements, and sense of purpose in the world? In each area, clarify the kind of growth you seek. Where your attention goes, energy flows. What would it mean to devote yourself wholeheartedly to those places that feel intuitively important? It’s a beautiful month to explore your relationships and everything they bring up. What are your expectations of those closest to you? Is compromise necessary? Do you feel safe in your most intimate relationships? The end of the month is a good time to review finances and open up portals for people to support you. There are new opportunities to create passive income streams. It’s time to expand what’s possible.
This month is about slowing down, getting still, and listening in a deeper way. Be willing to see everything with new eyes and hear everything with new ears. There will be an abundance of signs that will let you know whether you are living in alignment or not. The Universe wants to support you. You simply need to allow it. When you live according to what feels authentic and true, the Universe will reward you. This doesn’t mean life will be without challenge but it certainly means you will have a fulfilling experience. Focus on your daily habits and routines as the month goes on. Inject humour, joy, and pleasure into your schedule. What gets you into a good mood? Who do you love to be around? What kind of environments lift your spirit? Make these things a priority because your life is a series of little daily decisions, and more important than the milestones you reach, are the feelings you experience along the way. The end of the month may bring up serious conversations within your relationships. It is important to lead with your heart and not with your head. Notice if you are too focused on the future to appreciate how you actually feel in the present moment. Over the next 3 months, you will be learning so much about intimacy and vulnerability. Notice the kind of depth you are attracting and craving within your relationships. There is so much to learn when you strip back the layers and let yourself be fully seen.
This month is about sharing your brilliant thoughts and opinions with a wide range of people. Your thoughts are very progressive and can create a positive ripple effect in the world. Trust your intuition when it comes to sharing, as not everyone will be ready to hear what you have to say. Even if the message doesn’t land in the moment, you can trust that you are planting seeds that will blossom at a later date. Early in the month, there are opportunities to collaborate with others. The full moon reminds you that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Whilst you like to walk to the beat of your own drum, it’s important to let down your walls and welcome others into your life. Notice the themes showing up in your relationships over the next few weeks as they will highlight the places you have to grow in the next 3 months. People want to support and love you. It’s less about seeking validation and more about being willing to receive love. When you lean into vulnerability, you are able to heal some ancestral wounds. The new moon is a beautiful time of new beginnings. Set intentions that will invoke more joy into your day-to-day existence. At the end of the month, focus on optimising your health on all levels; mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. When you are healthy, you are able to show up in all areas of life with strength, love, and vitality.
The full moon kicks off the month and illuminates a lot about the way you want to be seen by the world and the way you are ready to step up and lead. What kind of persona have you developed for yourself over the years? Does it feel like the most authentic version of you at this moment? Your fluid and adaptable nature means that your energy morphs and changes with the seasons. You may find that new truths have been revealed recently. Perhaps there is a new layer that you are willing to let go of? Are you ready to be seen exactly as you are? The full moon encourages that. It might even mean that your community and those closest to you are in for a surprise. Remember those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. Change is healthy and that’s what this month is all about. As the month progresses you may feel called to connect more with family and to redefine relationship dynamics that were set up in childhood. Family time is sacred and sometimes hard conversations are required to truly strengthen those familial bonds. You know there is more than meets the eye and that the physical, material realm is simply a manifestation of the spiritual realm. This month is an invitation to call upon your spiritual gifts and put into practice your manifestation powers to create a life that feels authentic to you. Over the next 3 months, your daily routines will transform. What is going to support you in this season of your life?
Image credit: Nastia Ibragimova
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.