June horoscope
June Energy
This month there is a lot of fresh, light energy entering our lives.
Image credit : Imdad Barbhuyan
We will feel inspired to connect outwardly with others, be playful, start new chapters, and simply enjoy the moment. It is not a month to get bogged down with anything too serious. If you find yourself getting swept up in stress, take a step back, look up at the sky and remember how truly magnificent it is to be alive. As cheesy as it sounds, it is the perfect month to smell the roses, dance in the street for no reason, and find a sense of gratitude for all the magic that does exist in our world.
It is also a month to take action in the face of resistance. Ninety percent of resistance is mental. One of the quickest ways to quieten the chatter of the mind that may be holding us back is to physically take action. We can all find thousands of ways to procrastinate doing the one thing we know we need to do but, as soon as that first step is taken into the unknown (and we realise that we are still alive and standing), the fearful mind begins to quieten. It is about taking one step after the other to build positive momentum in the direction our Soul truly desires to go.
Key dates
4th June - Mercury Retrograde ends
The fog is clearing - communication is flowing, technology is working, travel plans are going ahead, and thought processes are making more sense. The next 2 weeks are a time to review what went down during the retrograde (that kicked off on May 10) so we can tie up any loose ends.
14th June - Full Moon in Sagittarius
Have fun, celebrate, and ENJOY this moment. This moon allows you to really cut any cords from last month that no longer serve you. It's time to just be free and not take things too seriously. You might feel a boost of courage to step out and create something.
19th June - Mercury retrograde shadow phase ends
Hallelujah! Our minds will feel much clearer. A sense of new beginnings will be felt.
20th/ 21st June - Cancer Season and Winter Solstice
A moment to retreat, to connect with your intuition, and explore what lives in the dark. The solstice clears the path for the second half of the year. It is like entering the great womb - so it's a wonderful moment in time to let go of the old and make space for new life.
29th June - New Moon in Cancer
This is a moment to go inward, to feel into your emotions, and to be extra gentle with your body. It is a very fertile moon as it comes off the back of the winter solstice. The space has been cleared and your intentions will hold strong manifestation power.
This month is one to take action in the world and to try out new things. If there is something you’ve been wanting to do for a while, June is the month to take a risk on it. It is only natural you’ll make some mistakes when you step into new territory, so embrace the process and be prepared for things to feel messy at first. Over the next few weeks, your desire to socialise and connect with people will increase. You will make many new connections and your mind will be full of new thoughts and conversations. Be conscious of how you show up around other people. Make sure you are presenting as your true self and not hiding behind an ego mask. Speak from the heart, even when it feels confronting. Around the full moon, you may feel drawn to travel or to study something new. Get quiet enough to receive the downloads of wisdom that are ready to channel through you. The urges that flow through you have a spiritual purpose so pay attention. At the end of the month, you’ll feel called to nest at home. Perhaps the term “home” goes through some kind of overhaul. Who and what defines home for you? Get clear on this.
This month brings a special focus to money. You are encouraged to get clear on what you need to financially support yourself over the foreseeable future. You may receive some brilliant ideas about new income streams you can open up. You have an ability to be incredibly self-sufficient and resourceful and your gifts and talents will be put to good use this month. It is important that you bring your full self into what you do while also not letting your identity be solely defined by your work. This month is also about tending to your inner world. Your intuition will be heightened, so note down all the little inklings and hunches and gut feelings you receive. Practices like journalling, meditating, dream recalling, and spending time in nature can be wonderful to connect you deeper with all that lives in the invisible realms. Around the full moon, you may feel called to reveal some secrets, or to release something that you’ve held onto for a while. It is a liberating time, so enjoy the freedom and expansion you feel afterward. The end of the month is a great time to speak your truth as your communication skills are enhanced. Your words are your wand so speak aloud all that you wish to bring into existence.
This month is a wonderful time to connect with new people and to welcome attention from multiple different individuals and groups. There will be many social opportunities that allow you to build new connections and strengthen existing ones. The interactions you have could be physical or online. The more authentic you are in your relationships the better. As your network expands, more opportunities will arise for you. It is when you show up in your truest light, that the most beautiful synchronicities happen so give yourself permission to be you. Nothing more and nothing less. Throughout the month you will also receive big bursts of inspiration as it relates to your future. What is it you want to create? How do you want to be in service to others? What dreams do you truly want to bring into reality? Take hold of these visions and start putting in place a step by step plans to anchor them into existence. It may mean letting go of old behaviours or people that hinder this vision. Around the full moon, your relationships are in the spotlight. What is being revealed about your own sense of self through the patterns you see in your relationships? What relationships are you deeply grateful for? Look for the lessons in all of the connections you have.
This month you may be launching a new project or expanding your career. There is something you do that will be seen on a public platform. You will certainly feel energised as you create and put work out in the world but you must balance this outward energy with deep introspection. You love to relax in your own home space. It helps you to feel secure and at ease. This month is no different. Take all the time you need to retreat and be in your own energy. There are forces in the spirit realm you can connect with when you do. This inward focussed time allows you to feel grounded and provides the foundation from which you launch yourself out into the world. Be open to new work opportunities presenting themselves over the next few weeks. Under the full moon, get honest about your daily routines and what is serving you. When you are looking after yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, that ripples out to all the people you are in service to in the world, so make sure you are taking good care of your health on all levels. There is a new moon in your sign at the end of the month, and it is the marker of new beginnings. Clarify what you want for the final half of the year.
This month you are seeking more meaning out of life. You are inspired to break out of the mundane routine, to experience more out of your time here on earth. You will be inspired to create something beautiful. This may mean going out and travelling, investing in a new course, seeking out a spiritual teacher, connecting with new kinds of people or nurturing the relationships you already have. You will certainly feel called to socialise more, but not with just anyone. This month is a great time to get clear on who your tribe really is. Who do you resonate with? It always starts with you. You need to put out the most authentic vibration possible so that you attract the correct people. When you are living out of alignment you won’t form the right connections. When you are living in alignment, you exude a natural warmth and generosity that people can’t help but flock towards. The full moon will allow you to let go of old ties that no longer serve you. It is also a time to finish up some old projects. The slate is being cleared so that you can receive fresh new ideas, resources, and people in your world. This really is an exciting month, so be playful with the energy. You don’t need to be super serious. Enjoyment is the only requirement.
This month is a deeply cleansing month for you. Of all the signs, you know how to cleanse and clear out the old. You will be doing this on many fronts from physical to spiritual. There is an emotional clearing that will come when you clear the air with someone. Is there something you have been wanting to say or share but it has felt too personal or vulnerable? What has been kept in the metaphorical cupboards that need to be brought into the light of day? When you speak with others, notice where you might be tweaking or shuffling around the truth out of the desire to please or be liked. Challenge yourself to be as raw and honest as possible. This takes a lot of courage and a strong sense of self-worth and these will be key feelings you take away from this month. The full moon is a great time to cleanse your environment. Maybe you declutter or move some objects around in the home, or even shift who you are living with. You’ll know what is the right thing to do intuitively. Be open to receiving income in surprising ways over the next few weeks. It may not be large sums, but you are being supported by external forces. The new moon at the end of the month is a time to set intentions that awaken your deepest dreams.
This month is a wonderful time to seek out new perspectives and to approach life with a beginner’s mind. Everything becomes more abundant and bright when you see it as if for the first time. Some wonderful ways to expand your viewpoint could be adventuring somewhere new, travelling to a foreign place, learning from a mentor, or connecting with people outside of your usual circle. Be brave and do it all this month. You are naturally a people person with a great ability to form intimate and loving connections. This month is about bringing even more passion and creativity into your zone of relationships. If you are not in a romantic relationship now, you may find a new love interest entering the picture. If you are in a relationship, you might decide to mix up the routine. Think outside the box and inject some fresh new energy. It can also be a wonderful month to engage in a new business venture with someone. Doing something new is going to be good for your spirit. These next few weeks will ask you to believe in yourself deeply and you will experience a lot of spiritual growth and expansion. At the end of the month, you will receive more clarity about your purpose in the world and the legacy you want to leave behind.
This month is a time of digging deeper. You aren’t one to shy away when things feel sticky or hard. Your intuitive gifts will be even more alert this month and it is a great time to follow your intuitive knowings. You might feel like you absolutely need to connect with someone or something without any logical rhyme or reason. This is the month to go along with it. You never know what opportunities and synchronicities lay ahead when you follow that pull of your soul. It is also a time to really air out your feelings. Maybe this is through journalling, talking it out with a friend or a therapist or a healer of some kind. There is a lot of emotional purging that will take place and you are ready for it all. As the weeks go on, it is important to focus on your sense of well-being and personal healing. This is a wonderful month to really honour and nourish your physical body as it is your antenna to the metaphysical world. When you are moving and resting and feeding your body in ways that it loves, you bring yourself into magnetic resonance with all that is meant for you. The full moon is a great time for clearing out old money stores and bringing in financial abundance.
This month is one of deep devotion. The focus needs to be on who and what you love. It is about nurturing all the beautiful relationships and forms of love you have in your life. It is time to feel yourself to be a part of everything and everyone. To experience true intimacy with others requires you to know yourself deeply so some self-reflection time is really important. Around the full moon, you will really have a chance to cleanse and clear out old versions of yourself that are now expired. Last year presented you with many opportunities to face your shadows and shed layers of your ego. This full moon is like the final cleanse to wash away the old. It can be bittersweet to farewell a part of you that really served you for a while, while also stepping into this next iteration of you, that will stand tall in this next chapter of life. Celebrate how far you have come. During the month you will also feel highly creative. You will be energised when you tend to new projects, and new relationships and do things that wake up your inner child. You will feel inclined to connect with others in playful ways. It can also be a time for a new romance. Whatever happens this month, choose to exist in a state of deep gratitude.
This month you will be working with healing frequencies, both contributing your own healing gifts and services to the world, and receiving deep healing from others. Sometimes healing is subtle and sometimes it is obvious. Notice what activities and people support your personal wellbeing and what and who doesn’t. All that is not supportive needs to go. Articulate your boundaries with confidence and clarity. Your energy field will begin to vibrate at a higher frequency when you choose to take self-supportive actions. The full moon is a wonderful time to meditate, to practice yoga, tp get into nature, and to journal. You will want to do something that helps to free your mind from daily stressors and worries. This is because there are answers contained in your subconscious that you are ready to listen to, but you need to get quiet enough to hear them. You may even like to prompt your subconscious with a question before you sleep. You will receive answers. This month there is also a strong focus on your sense of home. You may be making big decisions as it relates to where you live, and decisions around family. You will know what the right thing is to do.
This month you are given a big social boost. You will feel inspired to go out and connect with people more. There is a life force pumping through your veins, and a strong desire to express what lies within. Drop any resistance, enjoy yourself and inject as much fun and pleasure into your days as possible. If you have felt like your mind has been foggy over the past few weeks, you can breathe a sigh of relief as all that is changing now. There is a lot more clarity in the way you absorb and assimilate information. Naturally, you are a brilliant and innovative thinker and it’s a good time to begin sharing those unique ideas you have. If you feel afraid to speak up, practices like chanting, having honest conversations, journalling and singing are all wonderful for clearing your throat chakra. You may also feel called to study something new this month. The full moon is a great time to express gratitude for all the people in your life that support you. It is also a good time to assess your social circles generally. Where and with who do you desire a stronger connection? Where and with who do you need to set clearer boundaries? Take the necessary steps to curate your social sphere.
This month is a powerful time for boosting your sense of self-worth. You need to recognise how truly valuable your gifts and talents are and it is time to really step into your power. Ask yourself where you may be dimming your light? You will be presented with opportunities to take action that shows you really know your worth. This may come in the form of making a big financial decision, choosing not to settle for something that is out of alignment, stepping into a new line of work, or making a spontaneous decision based on your intuition. It can be anything that requires you to step through a level of fear. Your sense of home is also a central focus this month. You need to feel free to express yourself authentically in your home, and if the energy is off it is a good time to have an honest conversation or to reset the energy in some way. You can call on your spirit guides or ancestors to help you with this. Your career is highlighted around the full moon. How can you be courageous and step into a role of leadership here? There are new income portals that you can open up so begin thinking outside the box. You are a naturally creative being and this month is one to be proactive with your creativity.
Image : xuebing.du
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Pschology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
Image via CLO