July horoscope
July begins with soft and sweet Cancer energy.
Image credit :Andrew Nuding
The next few weeks are a lovely time to be gentle and caring with yourself as well as with others. The effects of the New Moon in Cancer that happened on the 29th of June ripple into July and there is powerful manifestation energy to work with.
Find the balance between taking action in the world, and consciously resting. Cancer loves nothing more than to feel cosy and warm and at home so make sure your living space feels very relaxing. When you are out and about, it is important to be sensitive to others' feelings and to really nurture those you love. We are building up to a crescendo of energy at the end of the month with all sorts of explosive and unpredictable possibilities. It is therefore vital in these first few weeks of the month to take care of your energy and build a strong sense of self-belief and self-trust.
Key dates
14th July - Full Moon in Capricorn
A great time to let go, or find a sense of completion with a project, a person, or a way of behaving.
22nd July - Leo Season begins
Leo is a fun and fiery sign. It awakens us to our creative potential and instils a fresh dose of confidence.
29th July - New Moon in Leo
This is an explosive moment that can bring any number of possibilities, breakthroughs, and innovations. As this alignment involves planets that have long-term impact - we may feel its unsettling energy much earlier in the month. It is important to build a healthy relationship with fear over the course of the month by taking little actions that conquer little fears. This will help to build the self-belief and self-trust that will carry you through the unknowns.
This month can be really pivotal as it relates to your career and the way you build wealth. In order to receive the respect and the income you deserve, you need to truly get quiet and pause. Take some time to reflect on your life direction and your self-image. Get real and raw and honest with yourself about how confident you truly feel. Consider how much of your confidence is a front and how much is an authentic belief in yourself. This month is about building your sense of self-worth so that your energy commands respect from the outside world. To truly love yourself is no small ask in a world that seeds doubt. The full moon will provide a moment to set some clear boundaries with your work. Ensure what you are doing is sustainable and aligned with your values. Write a list of what you will not settle for. The end of the month offers a burst of creativity and fun-loving energy. You will have some ah-ha moments about the gifts you have to offer the world.
You’ve experienced big shifts in your life this year as it relates to your sense of self and life direction. This month the changes are escalating even more. If you feel your goals and plans shifting as the weeks go on, that is to be expected. The end of the month offers a big reset for your identity. Layers of your past self are falling away and the next version of you is being revealed. The way you earn an income is also highlighted. There are opportunities to have conversations with people who can help you open up new income portals so be open to connecting with your community. It is important you express your true feelings not just in business conversations but with friends, family, and partners. Finding an outlet for your feelings can help you to understand your own emotional landscape. If you feel your emotions are running high, take some time to sit and be still. The new moon is a good time to set intentions around the home you want to create for yourself.
This month offers a beautiful opportunity to connect with money as a spiritual tool. Explore and heal any subconscious money stories you have. When you connect with money as a symbol of value, you build a healthy relationship with your finances. You have value to give to the world as well as value to receive from the world. You must partake in this circulation of value. Write a list of all the gifts you have to offer the world. It will amaze you how energised you feel when you are generous with these gifts. You will also see how the Universe supports you financially. The full moon is the perfect time to let go of toxic habits and relationships. What activities or people leach energy from you? Consider those relationships that demand you give over parts of yourself that you prefer to keep sacred or private. Over the past couple of months, you have been networking and connecting with people far and wide. This month you are strengthening existing connections including the one you have with yourself. When you spend more time with yourself, you will have some deep realisations.
This month offers new beginnings. You are able to speak your needs with more security. Your communication in general is enhanced. You are naturally very intuitive and connected with your emotions and this month you must be present with your fluctuating moods so that you can nourish yourself accordingly. You will feel stable and supported when you are connecting with the element of water. Perhaps you run a bubble bath, visit the ocean or drink a glass of water infused with intention. Let the waters cleanse your energy. The full moon will highlight any issues within your intimate relationships. Remember, your needs are valid and you deserve your needs to be honoured. It is wise to devote attention to your career this month. Pause and consider what needs to be reset. You may have an idea of the direction you are traveling, but can you make some space for a few detours? The Universe has some fun surprises in store, so follow your intuitive pulls. The new moon is a wonderful time to set intentions as it relates to work and income sources.
This month you are diving deep into the world of your subconscious. Your intuitive and visionary abilities are strengthened and you can receive a lot of wisdom from the subtle realms. Sometimes insights arise when you get still and quiet, though other times you might receive your deepest “ah-has” whilst dancing your heart out or singing loudly in your car. You don’t need to be super linear or structured when tapping into your spirit. The full moon will illuminate something about your health, whether mental, physical, or both. What mind-body practice can you commit to that enhances your daily life? You have been on a few adventures over the past couple of months and this month is a moment to really stand on top of the mountain and take in the view. Perhaps you write a list of all the things you are grateful for. The end of the month begins your season. You will feel a burst of vitality. You may also find your career takes some interesting turns. The new moon is a time to shine and set fun intentions. What do you wish to manifest this season?
July is a month to connect with your wider community, make new friends and deepen existing friendships. Be brave and reach out to someone who you really admire, or seek out a mentor. Notice the opportunities that spring forth through the people you meet. It is also a good time to enact boundaries within those less meaningful and ultimately draining relationships you have. Consider the relationships that have blurry lines. If the unknown aspects are causing you stress, you need to communicate your expectations clearly. You’d be wise to review the people you are collaborating with. Rather than plowing ahead according to a strict plan, let your intuition guide you. The energy may feel a little frenetic as the weeks go on, so practices like mediation and journaling are great for grounding. Keep a journal of all the little insights you have over the month as you may find they become little gems later on - not just for you - but for your community. You are able to get across a spiritual or philosophical message at the end of the month.
Your career and life’s work get a lot of attention this month. There is a lot of positive energy pouring into this sector of your life. Your ability to connect with people and build relationships with ease will be a great asset over the first few weeks. A situation may arise around the full moon that reminds you of your past. It may be an interaction with a family member or a situation that feels very familiar. Release any old hurts and send love to that past version of you. Your relationships can be an incredible source of joy and they are another big focus this month. If you feel your boundaries have been impeded upon, you need to communicate that to the person involved. You like to keep the peace so you may just let things slide but if you do not change your response, the pattern will continue. Your visions for the future will get stronger at the end of the month and anything is possible. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself planning something that feels completely out of character. On the new moon, set intentions around how you want to feel.
This month relationships are a big focus, particularly in business and romance. You might feel unsettled or like you are ready for change. If you aren’t initiating the changes yourself, you can expect someone or something else to spark some shifts. Ensure you are meeting each moment with grace as it is possible to feel a little more reactive. You will find your curiosities pulling you in fascinating directions. You might feel drawn to learning about a new culture, a mode of healing, a spiritual perspective or maybe there is a foreign place you want to explore. There is wisdom to be gained and you simply need to be open-minded and follow your intuition. The full moon can highlight who really belongs in your close circle of friends. Sometimes connections with people naturally fade, and other times the endings are more abrupt. Make sure you express how you feel rather than holding any resentment. Every relationship contains a lesson necessary for your evolution. The new moon is the perfect opportunity to set intentions around your career.
This month you will feel a contrasting mix of desires. Sometimes you’ll want to be out and about having fun, being the life of the party. Other times you’ll feel the pull to stay insular and introverted. It doesn’t have to be either-or. It can be both. It is in your nature to reinvent yourself constantly, so simply wake up in the morning, place your hand on your heart and tune into where it is guiding you. Have fewer expectations and more explorations. You may find that others open up to you this month, and share information or resources with you with ease. You have a lot of good advice to give, and that’s a gift but experiment with simply listening without offering an opinion unless it is asked of you. Sometimes sitting in pause or reflecting back on what another has said can be the most powerful response of all. The full moon will highlight how valued you feel. It is particularly important you feel valued at work, and that you speak up for your needs. Your daily working routines will undergo some shifts at the end of the month so be a co-creator here.
This month it is all about valuing yourself as an individual, especially within your close relationships. When you connect with someone there is a unique chemistry that gets created and depending on who it is, it can feel like an easy flow, an intoxicating rush, a joyful buzz, or a dreaded gridlock. Pay attention to the energetics at play in all your interactions and ensure you are participating on an equal playing field. The full moon is a good time to reclaim your power if you have relinquished it to another person. You deserve the world and this month is about remembering that. You may have some big realisations about your own psychological conditioning from childhood and the way you want to change or heal family patterns going forward. It is okay to be a little more private later in the month. If you feel like doing something intimate with yourself on the new moon, follow that call. There is something you are going to be creating or birthing into the world soon so be open to some big changes on the horizon.
This month it is about stepping forward and taking charge of your life. What you do, what you create, who you connect with, and what you consume every day must be considered. What can you prioritise each day so that you fuel yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Write a list of practices, people, or activities that help you feel connected and nourished. Maybe it is taking three deep breaths, calling a friend, cuddling your partner or your pet, visiting the beach, making a warm cup of tea, or dancing to your favourite music. Get a list going of all the things that soothe your Soul and do at least one every day this month. The full moon is a deeply spiritual one for you. It is a super moon and you will feel it in your cells as all the energy from within is brought to the surface. You can purge what needs to be purged and let go of anything that feels heavy or excessive. At the end of the month, set intentions around relationships. Be willing to cut some ties from your past. When you do you will feel light and free.
Pay attention to your work this month. Are you feeling fulfilled? If not, what changes can you make? Set the intention to funnel your creative spirit through your work as there is so much magic and beauty within you that is ready to be unleashed. You have a unique way of alchemising your feelings, experiences, and insights into art, whether that is through your words, movements, materials, or otherwise. Watch if you become doubtful of your gifts. Be brave, be bold and go with all of your heart. The full moon is one that can bring a lot of love and attention into your world but you don’t need to feel pressured to connect with everyone. In fact, you may need to put in place boundaries with your community so that you are only surrounded by those people who truly understand you. Your daily work and routines are evolving. What does your ideal day look like? Journal about what small acts soothe your mind, body, and soul and start to structure your life so that you can incorporate these things into your routine.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Pschology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.