February Horoscope
February is the month that inspires innovation. With no retrograde planets, you can more readily connect with your future self and take action toward your visions.
In the first few weeks of the month, get honest about what you truly need to do in order to grow in the direction you desire. Encourage yourself to think outside the box. If you are unable to question the status quo, you may find yourself repeating behaviours that inhibit your growth.
The key lesson of this month is to discern between the voice of fear and the voice of intuition. Fear will pull you into patterns from the past, while intuition will encourage you to embrace something new because your Soul seeks evolution. Your inner compass provides all the direction you need so challenge yourself to rely less on logical reasoning, and more on intuitive knowing.
Key Dates
6th - Full Moon in Leo
Leo is a fire sign and loves to inject passion, joy, and vitality into all situations. Get clear on what you are passionate about and clear out all obstacles to joy in your life. Uranus is active during this full moon sparking breakthrough insights, abrupt changes, and new inspiration.
8th - Mercury Retrograde shadow phase ends
With all planets moving direct and Mercury coming out of its shadow phase, more forward momentum is felt. Use this time, until April to really take action on things that have been circulating in your awareness.
18th - Pisces Season begins
This season is all about honouring your feelings whilst not becoming a victim to them. Feelings are not facts, but they contain messages that are worthy of exploring and tending to. Use this season to practice empathy for yourself and others.
20th - New Moon in Pisces
This new moon offers a nice moment to retreat and be still. It is a great moment to meditate, bathe and/ or spend time alone in nature. Set intentions that not only assist you in the material world but that also assist you spiritually. What is needed to progress your Soul on its evolutionary path?
This month your words are your greatest asset. Be very intentional with the way you speak to others and the way you speak to yourself. In every moment, the Universe is listening, so communicate wisely. Take time at the beginning of the month to choose a mantra that will support you and commit to repeating it daily. You are reminding the Universe of what you need support with. This month you need to be discerning with your commitments. Where you are taking on too much workload? When you take action, you go hard and fast, and this can lead to burnout if you are not careful. On the full moon; ask what excites my inner child? How can I bring more of that childlike joy into my life? Immersing yourself in the passions and hobbies that you loved as a child will often deliver you just as much pleasure in your adult life. The end of the month sparks a deeper desire for self-inquiry. Carve out the time to meditate and journal about your life direction. You will be rewarded when you do the inner work.
This month you don’t have to go it alone. Lean on your friends, your family, and your wider community. Life may take you by surprise and certain events may trigger feelings of an identity crisis. You are not losing yourself, you are simply evolving. Shedding old skin is necessary to embrace your new role in the world. If you are uncertain about your next steps, pay attention to the sound of your own voice. When you sense genuine excitement in your voice, note down what you are talking about as these are clues to follow. You can influence the tone of any interaction you have with others through the power of your voice. It will sound very different when you are grounded and calm versus fearful and reactive. Under the full moon, spend time at home, retreat, and incorporate self-care practices. You may like to connect with family. The new moon is a wonderful time to visualise your future. Paint a beautiful picture in your mind or even create a vision board. Once you commit to a vision, you are able to steadily nurture it and build something wonderful.
This month there is a strong focus on your career, with new beginnings on the horizon. Big decisions may be necessary and it is vital that you listen to your intuition. If you feel tempted to do something familiar and safe, pause and ask will this propel me forward or will it keep me stagnant? Forward motion can be scary but these next two months require you to step forward even in the face of uncertainty. Many deep breaths will be required to soothe your nervous system. You have a tendency to get activated easily, so take regular time away from your electronic devices. Unplugging from the outer world will allow you to plug into your inner world where many answers will be revealed. The beginning of the month calls you to explore beyond your local comforts. There is always a new perspective that dawns when you adjust your daily routines and environment. The full moon is the time to get clear on the message you want to share with the world. Your energy is always in communication with the outer world so consider what vibration you want to emit.
This month new income portals are opening up for you. Do not limit yourself to thinking you can only earn in the ways you have in the past. The world is full of opportunities that often come disguised as challenges. When you are committed to adding value to the world you will be rewarded and it is the month to take action on things that will test you. Do not be disheartened if it feels like a slow start. The momentum is building and you will be supported. Trust is a huge theme this month. Having trusted loved ones that you can call on for support and advice is important but the ultimate trust you are cultivating is with yourself. No one knows what is right for you like you do. The start of the month is more introverted. You are processing a lot and you need privacy to feel things out. The full moon brings a sense of completion or celebration to work projects and it is a nice time to connect with family. The new moon is sparking new learning prospects. What skills and talents do you want to develop? Find mentors who inspire you.
This month is a time to soften your leonine roar, let your walls down, and be open to receiving in your relationships. Being loved for who you are, requires that you be seen in your totality and that can feel daunting. You don’t need to pretend to have it all together. Perfection is an illusion and you have been holding yourself to an exceptionally high standard recently. You are loveable exactly as you are. Attempting to fit the mould of perfection creates distance between you and the world around you. Embrace and accept your quirks and your struggles. This not only makes you more relatable but you will no longer be paralysed by the fear of not getting it right. You are entering a new chapter within your partnerships and fun collaborations are on the horizon. Be willing to communicate directly and honestly about what you need within your relationships. Around the full moon, you may feel the urge to suddenly change something in your life whether that is your appearance or your overall life direction. Trust your gut and willingly let go of the past.
This month is an opportune time for deep inner healing. Pause and go inward. Clear your head and drop into your body. Your life story is contained within your body and any unresolved trauma can be healed through your body. Of all the signs, the Virgo mind-body connection is particularly strong, so whatever persists in your consciousness, will manifest in physical form. If you are in a perpetual cycle of stress, this can manifest as ill health so recharge your batteries often. The full moon is a time to cleanse out old belief systems that are keeping you stuck. Be open to receiving profound solutions when you take time in solitude. This month there are exciting prospects to change up your daily routine. Be observant of new job opportunities on the horizon. If it feels in alignment, say yes! You may also find yourself being guided toward great healers. At the end of the month, new seeds are planted in your zone of relationships. What qualities do you desire within partnerships and what qualities do you contribute toward them?
You know how to create beauty and balance in your external world with finesse. This month is about creating that sense of homeostasis and harmony within. How is your nervous system feeling? If you sense stress beneath the surface, take some time out to relax and indulge in some pampering. As the year begins to pick up speed, it is a good time to get honest about the areas of your life that you have been neglecting that are now begging for your attention. When you tune in, you always know the answer. This month you are able to take action accordingly. It is a good month to socialise and be with those you love. Your sense of creativity is enhanced as is your ability to problem-solve and design something new. Where can you be generous with these gifts and help others? You may notice there is a change to your wider network this month and under the full moon you may feel your dreams are evolving and the plans you had for your future shift in some way. Embrace the changes. You are more supported than you know.
This month is all about detoxing. You are being called to cleanse your system of anything destructive whether that is people, thoughts, jobs, substances, food, information, behaviours, objects, or places. It is time to clear the clutter and get honest about what is limiting you. When you bring awareness to your limitations, you are better able to create the changes you seek. There is a vital force within you that seeks an outlet and when you are pouring your energy and attention into places that drain you, you rob yourself of experiencing that vital force. Be kind to yourself. Incorporate mantras into your day that help you to feel uplifted. Your female relationships are highlighted and there is a lot of healing you can do in this space this month. Under the full moon, there are changes being made within your career. It is important to think about what you wish to contribute to the world. How can you be of the greatest service? Ultimately when you are doing what you love and you are playing to your strengths, the world is a better place for it.
This month, consider what you are proud of in your life. What achievements can you celebrate? Reflect on how you have impacted your close community and family in a positive way. You are going to be leading by example this month. Who are you leading? What lessons do you want to pass on? As you share your message, let your authenticity shine through. This month is also a great time to get curious about what makes you feel most alive and excited. It may be different from how you felt last year, so don’t rely on past memories. Instead, notice how your body responds when you think of certain people, places, activities, and behaviours. Can you cultivate a lifestyle that allows you to feel vitality on a daily basis? It is a radical decision to prioritise your own joy but you can completely transform your life and the lives of those around you if you commit to this path. Once you know that something is truly aligned, you have the ability to manifest at a supernatural speed and with a beautiful sense of optimism. So go forth and take bold action toward your own happiness. When you do, everybody wins.
This month is a great time to reflect on your family dynamics and be in conversation with family members. Family often highlights personal triggers. This month you can rationally look at triggering situations without getting lost in reactivity. You will have some profound “ah-ha” moments about what is holding you back so you can move forward with greater clarity. There are many opportunities to increase your income potential. Whatever you put your mind to, you can make happen. You can sometimes fall into patterns of rigidity so notice where you are overly attached to outcomes. The irony is that the more you soften and relax, the more you can achieve and grow in the direction you desire. Do not compare your process to another’s. Of all the signs, you are in this for the long haul. You often start slow, only to build legendary stamina, outperforming all those you previously felt inferior to. The full moon is a time to invest in yourself and let others invest in you. Under the new moon use your voice. Speak your intentions into existence.
This month you are on a journey of self-discovery. You are not one to shy away from expressing your quirks or rebelling against the status quo, but you are being called to express your individuality in an even greater way. This may mean separating yourself from your roots. Unpredictability is in your DNA and people expect the unexpected from you. Before making any bold moves, take time out for yourself. Detach from your devices and from people who are clogging up your aura. You are hypersensitive to all kinds of frequencies so getting as close to nature as possible helps to ground your body and clear your mind. In these moments of solitude, the lessons you have been learning about your own identity over the past few years will become alarmingly obvious and you will have a final opportunity this month to get things right. There are changes happening within your relationships. A compromise is needing to be met. Who and what is a worthy cause? Under the new moon, set financial intentions and open up to prosperity in all its forms.
This month is the time to put yourself in the public eye. That doesn’t necessarily mean stepping onto a podium, but rather allowing yourself to be seen by others. Where have you been dulling your shine or hiding from the world? Break free of self-limitation. Sometimes you may feel more inclined to retreat and stay in the confines of what you know is safe because you are sensitive to the energy of others. The boundary between the physical and spiritual dimensions is very easy for you to cross, and you can feel when someone is not living in energetic integrity. As you allow yourself to be seen more, you will need to implement energetic protection practices. Visualise a white light around your body protecting you at all times, or wear protective jewellery. There is a lot more self-growth ahead of you but right now you are tying up loose ends and integrating lessons from the past few years. The new moon is a beautiful moment to feel grateful for all that life has taught you so far, and to set intentions for the life path you are carving out for yourself this year.
Image credit: Maison de Sable
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.