December Horoscope
This month’s theme is Courage. You will feel the rumblings of change and it’s time to take courageous action toward your goals.
Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter all station direct, giving you an extra ability to heal, grow and work towards your dreams.
Be willing to acknowledge the places in your life you feel dissatisfied and believe in your ability to create changes that are necessary.
Ask yourself:
What actions can I take that will open doors to new opportunities?
Where are my big dreams for 2024?
Image : Améliore ta Santé
Key Dates
13th December New Moon in Sagittarius
New moons are a time of self-reflection. Consider what big lessons you have learned this year and what new perspectives have dawned. Use this wisdom to inspire your intentions for the next 6 months. Sagittarius will inspire you to move beyond your comfort zone.
13th December Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
Mercury retrograde can create problems with communication, logical thought, administration, technology and travel. Make sure you have some white space in the calendar to account for any delays. Over the next few weeks, your ability to logically reason may fall to the wayside but your intuitive abilities will be heightened.
22nd December Capricorn season begins
This is the season to focus on the future. What are your big goals? What do you want to create? Assess your current reality; what is working and what isn’t? Call upon the energy of courage and make the necessary changes. Write down a game plan and create a vision board to accompany it.
22nd December Solstice
The solstice is a good time to connect with nature. It is the lightest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. Take a moment to feel the sun on your skin, or gaze toward the sun in the morning. Soak up all the vitality it provides. Spending time in nature can be a great way to restore your energy amidst any end-of-year overwhelm.
27th December Full Moon in Cancer
This full moon signals a deep emotional release. Cancer is a highly sensitive sign and full moons always bring up big feelings. Allow yourself to express your emotions in whatever way feels right. It’s a lovely day to reflect on 2023, what you are grateful for and what you are willing to let go of as you step into the new year.
31st December Jupiter direct in Taurus
Jupiter is a planet of expansion, abundance and good fortune. You will feel a boost of optimism on this day. It’s a beautiful way to close out 2023. Focus on what you are grateful for and the beautiful visions you have for 2024.
This month is about being courageous. It is about taking action on the things that scare you most. If there is something you have felt deep down that you want to do or say, there is no better time than now. Lean into the unknown. Step by step you will start to feel like the confident person you were born to be. Your mind will crave stimulation and new knowledge this month. You are ready to learn and grow. You may find your thoughts are more philosophical. You may be asking "What is the deeper meaning of life?" "What is my purpose here?" These questions are arising because your Soul is ready to uplevel. Find people that inspire you and that you can learn from and consider engaging a mentor. Near the end of the month, you will be focused on your career and planning new work projects. It is tempting to want everything to change in an instant but remember progress happens in little ways and it will all happen in divine timing. This month, it is also important to audit your internal dialogue. If stress levels rise you might find yourself being overly critical of yourself or others. In these moments, ask yourself "What if the opposite were true?" The full moon is a good time to be connected with family and loved ones. You might feel nostalgic and sentimental. Indulge in these feelings by playing old music or looking at old photos. Connect with your past and remember all the experiences that made you who you are today.
This month is full of intense emotion. You will experience high and low moments. Lean in and be present with whatever arises. You do not need to resist the emotional lows, as it is within them that you receive great creative inspiration. Remember all challenges in life deliver potent lessons and struggle is never a permanent state. Over the weeks, it will become clear who you can trust and rely on. As though you are weeding a garden, it is time to disconnect from people in your life, who do not add richness to your soil. To support you flourishing and growing in the new year surround yourself with people that are supportive and loving. Pay close attention to your intuition. You are very good and reading energy and you will be able to sniff out when people are being inauthentic. The full moon is a good time to use your voice and speak up even if it feels scary or vulnerable. This month is about mustering up the courage and confidence to take action on the things you have always wanted. What are your big goals and visions for the future? What do you want to build for yourself? What adventures do you want to embark on? What kind of relationships do you want to enjoy? Spend some time envisaging your future in detail. Your sense of personal identity has evolved rapidly over the past few years and your Soul knows it is time to step out into the world and be seen in an even greater way.
This month, there is significant emphasis on your relationships, be they intimate, friendly, or professional. Set intentions about how you want to show up and feel in the company of others. You might encounter growing pains in your relationships due to conflicting values or beliefs. How you deal with the challenges will illustrate how far you’ve come in your evolution. It is important you feel safe and respected in all of your relationships and that you advocate for your needs. If you experience some bumps along the road or some miscommunication, all is not lost. In many instances, a connection can deepen when there is a willingness to acknowledge mistakes, make necessary changes, and be honest throughout the process. Remember to take things slowly when Mercury retrograde hits in the middle of the month. Rely less on your logical mind and tune into your intuition. A good sense of humour goes a long way when frustrations and delays crop up. The full moon will highlight your sense of self-worth. How worthy do you feel of living your dream life? What unnecessary limitations are you placing on yourself? What if you have exactly what it takes? What if it was all going to work out? Timing is out of your control but your desires and intentions are being heard by the Universe. Write out a list of your top 8 priorities and the action steps you can take to support them next year. There will be forward motion in your career, community connections, and spiritual practices so dream big in these areas.
This month is a wonderful time to revamp your routines, place yourself in new environments, meet new people, and experiment with new approaches to work. Start gathering evidence of what works and what doesn't so that you can set yourself up to thrive in 2024. What are some things in your daily life that feel draining? How can you limit the amount of time and energy spent on them? What new boundaries do you need to set with yourself and others? In the later phases of the month, the focus lands on your relationships. Cancers love to feel secure and safe within their relationships so you need to be very careful with the people you let into your life. Who in your life feels aligned in their values? Who feels trustworthy? Your gut feelings will let you know what relationships are worthwhile pursuing. The full moon is a time to embrace vulnerability. Allow your emotions to flow freely. Have you found yourself disconnected from your feelings? Reflect on the distraction tactics you may have employed and explore ways to cultivate a more present connection with your emotions. As the year closes out think about the people who look up to you. What example can you set? Remember, the way you show up matters. Stay attuned to your feelings, advocate for your needs, and trust yourself. 2024 is an exciting year full of change and growth and this month is a great time to consider what you want to take with you into the new year and what you want to leave behind.
This month has a playful feel to it. You may feel a little more willing to take some risks especially in love or in your creative projects. It is a time to wear your heart on your sleeve and be very authentic in your self-expression. With Mercury retrograde happening in the middle of the month, you might find that your actions or words are misinterpreted so take extra care in explaining your intentions. During retrograde, your logical reasoning is less reliable so you need to be even more conscious of your intuitive insights. You may feel a tendency to rush this month but remind yourself to pause before doing anything overly impulsive or reactive. It is a great time to make plans for 2024. What kind of places do you want to go? What kind of people do you want to be in a relationship with? What routine behaviours will serve your growth? The full moon stirs up some deep feelings. Incorporate some solitude into your day to clear out your energy field and gain clarity on what is true for you. December will be a very sociable month so taking some uninterrupted time for yourself will be vital. If you encounter conflict or difficult situations with friends or partners, trust you can work through them with bravery and an open heart. Never hide who you are. Feel what you feel and be willing to acknowledge others’ feelings along the way. Over the next couple of months, new work opportunities will be arising. Continue to pay attention to your intuition when making any big career decisions.
This month is a time to cleanse and purge all that is no longer serving you. This can include physical objects, people, thought patterns, and general daily activities. Consider where you spend most of your time, money, and energy and whether it is worthwhile. Virgo is a sign well known for its discernment and attention to detail. Acknowledge what you're holding onto unnecessarily. Use this month to clear out old cupboards, move your furniture around, and reassess your living arrangements. Your space reflects your priorities and values. As you declutter, you will experience both a physical and energetic release. Later in the month, your energy becomes very magnetic and radiant. Notice the opportunities landing on your path. How can you be of service to others? What skills or assets do you have that others can benefit from? What actions can you take to add value to the world? Lean into that energy of generosity this month as it will have a beautiful ripple effect. The full moon highlights something in your work or relationships that needs addressing. You do not need to take immediate action, instead allow your emotions to be felt and make a decision when your head is clear. You can expect old relationships that you have outgrown to fall away this month. You may need to make hard decisions or express yourself in vulnerable ways. As you let go of the old, you make way for the new and, you embody a new level of wisdom. Clear the slate now so that you walk into 2024 lighthearted and free.
This month is full of opportunities to socialise and have fun. Prioritise the relationships that mean the most to you as they will make you feel the happiest. Your caring and generous spirit can sometimes lead you into burnout as you put others’ needs before your own. Ensure you give yourself the time to rest and replenish. By nurturing yourself, you are better able to uplift those around you. You might feel like there is a lot to get through on your to-do list and if you feel overwhelmed, repeat the mantra “I can do it.” Trust that you are capable of completing whatever is necessary. There is so much inner strength and resilience within you and this will be illustrated as the weeks go on. In the face of triggering moments or conflicts, pause and question, "Does this truly matter?" You're not obliged to engage in every conflict that comes your way. Choose wisely, and remember that preserving your peace is a priority. The later phases of the month will have you reviewing the past and feeling sentimental. You might find that your relationships with prominent females in your life get highlighted; particularly the relationship with your mother. How did the mother figure in your life influence the way you show up in the world today? The full moon shines a light on the career success you have had over the years. Take a moment to celebrate everything you have accomplished and let it inspire your plans for 2024. It is a good time to build new routines that will carry you into the year ahead.
This month, you will realise how powerful your mind and intentions are in shaping your reality. Before heading into social situations, picture how you want the interactions to unfold, and be crystal clear about your intention. See how this strongly affects the way events play out. You've always sensed the subtle energy shifts within your relationships, but this month, you'll notice your ability to actively make those shifts happen in the direction that you desire. Look at the people you are surrounded by and the environments you regularly inhabit. Are these people and places supportive of your future self? What changes need to be made so that you can truly thrive? The new moon is a time to set intentions around your work and finances. In what ways do you want to grow? The full moon highlights your desire for adventure and travel. You might like to plan a holiday or a new learning experience in 2024. It is also a time to listen to your heart and feel any strong emotions that arise. This year, you may have felt a strong focus on healing your relationship with your body. This month is a great time to reflect on what you are grateful for within your body and acknowledge what a beautiful vessel it is for your Soul. As you prepare for 2024, you may have some questions you want answered. Write the questions down and trust that the answers will be revealed when you least expect them. Everything is going to unravel in divine timing so relax and let go.
This first half of the month is a time of celebration. It is a time to reflect on the year that has been. Acknowledge the amazing ways you have contributed to your community, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the new perspectives you have gained. What is something new that you appreciate about yourself? What are you grateful for about the work you do? Who has supported your growth? These insights will help you prepare for a deeply transformative 2024. Start to make plans around the kind of impact you want to have on people. Who do you want to feel seen by and heard by? You can use the full moon as a time of deep introspection. You may want to process things in private and spend time journaling about what matters to you. As the month progresses focus on what wealth means to you and how you can create more wealth in your life. You are naturally good at problem solving and it is time to think outside the box. As you set yourself up for the year ahead, assess the relationships in your life; especially at home, at work, and within your local community. Who are you surrounded by? Are they supportive of your future visions? Be honest with yourself if there are changes you need to make and empower yourself to make them. It is important not to pressure yourself to change everything overnight. Set the intention for change and take action when it intuitively feels right. When you are not rushing or forcing, you allow space for the Universe to work its magic.
This month is a social time and you will feel things picking up speed within friendship and romance. You may be healing some inner child wounds along the way, so be kind to yourself and choose good thoughts. The full moon shines light on your relationships. Let all of your heartfelt sensations be felt. It is okay to process things alone if that is your preference but know that you can always ask for support when you need it. When you share vulnerably with someone and you feel seen and heard, it is amazing what this can do for your spirit and self-esteem. It is important to interrupt your usual routine this month and enjoy some kind of retreat. It could be something you create for yourself at home or perhaps you go on a holiday. What is most important is that you switch out of autopilot and take the time to reset your nervous system. Ask yourself; "What is something I can do that feels nourishing?" It is easy to get swept up in the end-of-year rush and Capricorns are known for their hard work ethic. It's time to work smarter, not harder. What would feel relieving to let go of? Give yourself permission to drop something off the to-do list. In this final chapter of 2023, it is a great time to map out your vision for 2024. Review what worked and what didn’t over the past year. How can you learn and grow from your experiences? Importantly, how do you want to feel stepping into the year?
This month you will start to see your dreams coming to life. Little seeds that you planted at the beginning of the year are starting to take shape. Can you be grateful for all that you have manifested so far? Of course, there are still ways in which you want to grow and the future is top of mind. This month is about finding the balance between being present in the moment, and also making moves toward your future. If you feel like life is overly busy, assess what is a worthwhile investment of your time and energy. Consider what is filling your mental space day to day. When you give yourself pockets of stillness, you will receive new insights that will help you make plans for the year ahead. If you feel lost, ask your intuition what the next right thing to do is. You do not need to have a clear vision of how it all unravels. The more you follow your intuition, the more your purpose and path will be revealed to you. Have trust that it is working out exactly as it's meant to. There will be opportunities for you to use your voice more this month. It can feel scary to ask for what you want but you need to remember you are worthy. How can you effectively advocate for your needs at work, at home, and in your community? The full moon is a great time to show some extra love to your body and focus on practices that make you feel good and healthy. Rest, hydrate, stretch, and nourish yourself well.
This month begins with a strong focus on your career. Are you happy in your working life? What aspects of your work uplift you and what aspects drain you? How do you ultimately want to be of service to the world? You have a lot of value to offer and it is important that you feel appreciated in all that you do. The new moon is a great time to set intentions to help you own your power. As you are highly sensitive to other energies, you can often feel overwhelmed with emotions. Sometimes people underestimate or misunderstand this part of you. Be courageous and communicate how you feel. It can be difficult to put feelings into words and this might feel especially true during Mercury retrograde. There is still forward motion happening in your life as long as you build the confidence to self-express. The full moon is a time to let go of limiting beliefs holding you back. What would you do or say if you were not afraid? You have the power to prove your old limiting beliefs wrong, by taking action in the face of them. What challenges are you ready to set for yourself? You have grown so much this year. As 2023 comes to a close, write down a list of 10 attributes you love about yourself. What changes and growth have you witnessed in yourself? How have these changes influenced your sense of independence? Release any lingering self-doubt and find gratitude for the amazing person you are in the world.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.