December Horoscope
This month is all about invoking your creative power.
At the beginning of the month, Venus and Mercury have a strong influence over us. These planets love to communicate, socialise and entertain. Prioritise having fun, getting creative, and expressing your true feelings and thoughts. Give yourself permission to soak up all the bliss you can.
As we shift from Sagittarius season to Capricorn season in the later stages of the month, stay connected to both the practical and mystical aspects of nature. Be open to receiving new ideas as it relates to your future, your career, and your overall ability to generate value in the world. You can trust your intuitive abilities as you make some big life decisions.
Key Dates
8 December: Full Moon in Gemini
This moon may feel a little volatile. Be considerate with your words and think before taking action. It is a ripe opportunity to cut ties with people or projects that no longer serve you.
21 December: Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter brings a lot of abundance and joy. As it shifts into the sign of Aries you are better able to honour yourself as a sovereign individual.
22 December: Summer Solstice + Capricorn season begins
In the Southern Hemisphere, we enjoy the longest day of the year. With so much light pouring in, notice what is being illuminated for you. What key area of life are you being called to focus on? Capricorn season is the time to set goals.
23 December: New Moon in Capricorn
This is the day to think long-term and the big picture. Drop into a visioning exercise. Where do you see yourself 6 months from now? What new beginnings do you seek to create? What legacy do you want to leave behind? What is your mission here on earth?
29 December: Mercury Retrograde
You might experience a few bumps, u-turns, or delays within your communication, travel, and technology systems. Use this time to review the decisions and plans made earlier this month and embrace the detours ahead.
This month you can access a great amount of wisdom. Let yourself slip quietly into the intuitive realms. Engage in practices like meditation, journalling, and nature exploration. Time in stillness and solitude will open you up to answers. You are being guided by a force greater than yourself. The challenge comes in truly surrendering to this process. There is something you need to let go of, to really let spirit in. This is an opportune month to view everyone you are in a relationship with as a teacher. From your taxi driver to your romantic partner, to your mother; everyone has a part to play in your evolution. It is time to become conscious of the lessons you are being asked to learn. The full moon may trigger some fiery reactions. Be considerate with your communication so that you can leave any interaction feeling proud of how you handled yourself. It is a month to let go of perfect ideals. Celebrate your imperfections and your wholeness. Find pleasure in what makes you unique. You are the perfect person to carry out your Soul’s mission here. The end of the month propels you into action and sets the tone for a very fun and exciting 2023. Your bravery and spontaneity will be your greatest assets.
There is potential for money to be flowing towards you in new or unexpected ways this month. A genuine generosity and abundance mindset will open you up to even greater financial gains. The full moon may test your self-belief. Cultivate a sense of trust in the unknown and focus on creating value in the world without questioning how you will be supported. Don’t be afraid to share your big ideas with your networks, peers, and colleagues, and use creativity as you lead your wider community. There is an opportunity to be very vulnerable in your relationships this month. You can show those you are in close connection or collaboration with, a new layer of who you are. Acknowledge everyone for their efforts and know that behind every action is ultimately a yearning for love. Open your heart and be kind and understanding towards all who cross your path. As the month progresses, it is good to consider what areas of life you want to grow next year. What is your greater purpose? You may be stepping into a whole new role. The final weeks of the month ask you to retreat from the world and become familiar with a very tender side of yourself. This is a beautiful moment.
This month it is important to lead with your intuition when it comes to your career. Trust the internal knowings about who to talk to, where to turn, and what to let go of. As you inch towards the new year, consider where you want to funnel your energy and attention. Where are your gifts best utilised? How can you serve the greatest good? The relationship sector of your life has a lot to offer over the next couple of months. You have experienced significant personal transformations through your relationships this year and your greatest lessons are often revealed through the challenging moments. Be present and attentive to all that life is showing you through the deep and intimate moments you share within partnerships, friendships, and business relationships as these lessons will inform how you partner in the future. You may feel your identity is shifting. The full moon may trigger some inner conflict about who you are becoming. Look in the mirror and say “I belong with you.” Be present with your physical body and do whatever makes you feel most alive. Witness the way your body moves, breathes, loves, and creates, and be grateful for the miracle it truly is.
This month your intuition is guiding you toward something new. Your mind is yearning for expansion and you need to think outside the box. Listen to people you admire or feel inspired by. Is there a teacher you want to connect with? Follow that pull. This month you will see how true the connection between your physical body, your mind and beliefs, and your spirit really is. Pay attention to the physical signals you receive as they are guiding you toward a deeper relationship with yourself. Sometimes the ego can take you on a journey you think you need to follow but your Soul may have other ideas. Only when you step off the train will you notice it was never your ride to begin with. If you feel you have lost your way, you are gifted the opportunity to return to your true purpose this month. It may be time to break up the monotony in your daily routines and bring in some levity and joy. Relationships become a key focus later in the month. Perhaps a new relationship is budding or you take on a more mature attitude in a current relationship. New ideas for work will show up at the end of the month. Welcome the boost of confidence to step out and take action on personal endeavours.
This month there is so much space to expand creatively and energetically. This is the month to have fun, celebrate and really enjoy life. You may be making new friends, entertaining new chapters, or considering birthing something or someone into the world. You are softening into a whole new version of yourself. A lot of transformation has occurred over the year. Consider the lessons you have learned particularly about vulnerability and trust. You have learned the most within the container of your intimate relationships. If there is any bitterness or resentment from the past lingering, practice forgiveness. Forgiveness has the power to release all heaviness from your shoulders. When you view old mistakes as empowering lessons you’ve acquired along your journey, you are able to set yourself and others free. The full moon is a good opportunity to cut ties with people who don’t value your worth. The later phase of the month is a great time to envisage your future and how you want your daily life to feel. Be limitless in dreaming up what the perfect day looks like for you. You may find new learning or travel opportunities arise at the end of the month. Follow what feels like fun.
This month, remember that at your core, you are love. When you connect with the infinite supply of loving energy within, you can show up with beauty and grace in all your relationships. There may be certain people in your life who do not vibrate at the same frequency as you. Be discerning with who you spend time so that you feel your energy is supported. When you focus on being your best self, especially within romantic and business relationships, your whole world will feel as though it’s expanding. It is a good month to adorn your home with beauty. You may like to rearrange objects or clean out the cupboards to welcome the fresh new season. Having a clean and clear physical foundation not only soothes your Soul, but it clears your mind so that you can begin planning creative projects for the new year. Imagine your inner child and higher self having a conversation. Let their insights inform your plans for the new year. The full moon is a good time to ask yourself the hard questions about your career. What is not sitting well? What can you leave behind? The last week of the month you might feel the urge to do something that requires a lot of bravery. If you take the risk, it will pay off.
This month new career possibilities come to light, whether that is new job offers, or shifts being made to your current routine. Set in motion plans that will really honour your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. You will feel inspired to prioritise your health and if you’ve experienced any injury or ill health in the recent past, you can heal with ease. Sleep well, eat well, and move your body in ways that bring you joy. It is a great month to connect with your local community. Make the effort to go out and socialise. Communicate your ideas and interests with others. There are many opportunities that can arise through the new connections you make or existing connections you strengthen. At the end of the month focus on cultivating a happy home. What can you do in the home space to make it feel like a sanctuary? Invite fresh energy in. In the final few days of the year, drop into a deep gratitude practice. Be grateful for all the experiences you have had, the wisdom you have gained, and the relationships you have formed this year. As you acknowledge these blessings, you open yourself up to more beauty and bounty in the future.
This month it is safe to look within. It is safe to turn your attention inward and see yourself completely unfiltered, exactly as you are. The more you lean into your true nature, the more connected you will feel to your creative essence and the more confident you will feel in expressing yourself outwardly. The beginning of the month is a great time to set in motion a creative project, step into the spotlight, and use your physical body in ways that make you feel powerful and alive. There are blessings that may come through for you in work and finances this month. You need to see yourself as worthy of receiving. The full moon may have you feeling a little volatile and reactive, especially with those you are deeply emotionally connected with. Implement practices that soothe your nervous system so that you can allow your thoughts and feeling to pass through you without acting on everyone. The end of the month is a wonderful time to journal. Write out the vision you have for the year ahead. Your voice also needs to be used as you make plans for the future. Communicate with those close to you what you are open to and what you are no longer available for.
You can welcome so much beauty and prosperity into your life this month. Your sense of self is going through a rebirth of sorts. Perhaps you are trying on a new look or stepping into a new role. Give yourself permission to exaggerate and overindulge in it until you feel like it is home. You need to feel you belong in this identity. This is not a mask or a performance of the ego, it is simply an evolved version of who you are. It is a great month to look at your home space and consider how you can give it an upgrade. What new energy do you want to invite in? Use your home as an altar to connect with spirit. Adorn it with treasures and beauty that send the signal that you believe in your own abundance and worthiness. At the end of the month put in place goals and structures that will benefit you financially next year. The full moon may spark some fire within your relationships. Enjoy the chemistry, but avoid toxicity. The end of the month is a great time to really shine. Be the most beautiful and bold version of yourself. You can use your amazing communication skills to bring people around a common goal.
This month is a time to reflect on the year that has been. What deeply valuable insights have you gained that you can take with you into the new year? This is not a purely self-indulgent activity. You can share this wisdom with your community and people close to you. When you share your ah-ha moments, big ideas, greatest lessons, and personal values with the world around you, everyone benefits. You cannot predict the kind of opportunities that will present when you open up in this way. This month is also a wonderful time to develop your intuitive gifts, to go within, and to meditate. When you surrender to stillness, you clear the path to receive answers from above. At the end of the month, your strong sense of self-belief kicks into gear. It is time to get out into the world and let your beautiful energy shine. It is time to have fun and do what feels good. Of course, there are practical matters to attend to like planning the year ahead, setting goals and implementing structures that will support you. But ask yourself where you can infuse lightness, joy, and ease into the process. Take time to dance, laugh, sing and attract good energy along the way.
This month you may feel particularly emotional or sensitive surrounding work matters and your sense of self-worth. Your emotions are messengers of what lives inside. Are you seeking something greater? You are being called to trust yourself more. When you trust yourself and truly see your innate value, you will open up to more prosperity, growth, and abundance. The first few weeks of the month provide a great opportunity to expand your networks and meet new people. Friendships can form in the most unlikely places. Say YES to new experiences. Around the full moon, cut ties with people that feel misaligned, especially old romantic ties that don’t serve you. You don’t need to put on a front at this time. Embrace the raw, real, authentic you. The end of the month brings a more reflective tone as you set new intentions for the season ahead. You may feel called to make changes to your environment and the communities that you connect with. It is a time of new beginnings. Open your heart to all the possibilities that surround you. Feel the unlimited energy contained within you and most importantly trust in the flow of life and know that you are supported in all your decisions.
If one word could describe this month for you it is expansion. Your sense of self is evolving and a whole new world is opening up. Be open to receiving beautiful new ideas, intuitive wisdom, and visions for the future. You may also be re-learning the lessons that were delivered to you earlier this year. Repetition is what rewires the nervous system, so if something feels like deja vu, take it as a sign that this is a lesson the Universe really needs you to embody. There are new career opportunities on the horizon. As the month progresses it is time to step into your worthiness and step out of the mentality of settling. You can bring your unique essence to the table in all situations and you don’t need to dilute or change who you are in order to fit a role for someone else. This does require some inner work so that you feel truly deserving of the change that is coming. The full moon may bring some agitation. Doing a deep cleanse of your home space can help to release some internal frustrations. Trust that after you go through this wave you will feel a lot more clarity. Before entering the new year, set the intentions for the life you are creating, knowing you were born to enjoy it all.
Image credit: petitecheriee
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.