Your February horoscope is here
This month we are coming out of the fog. January served up a couple of intense retrogrades that had us feeling a little slower and reflective than we may have anticipated to kick off the year. This month there is a lot more forward motion. You can expect to feel a breath of fresh air wash through your system, clarity in your visions, and an abundance of new possibilities on the horizon.
Key Dates
1st Feb - New Moon in Aquarius
Set intentions for the future. Don’t focus simply on what you want, but also focus on why you want it. This new moon demands authenticity so clarifying the reasons behind your desires will get allow you to see what is truly a Soul desire and what may be a conditioned response to societal expectations.
3rd Feb - Mercury stations direct
No planets will be retrograde for the next couple of months which is rare and exciting. You will start to feel things moving smoothly, you’ll be thinking clearly and you’ll experience fewer obstacles and delays. Make the plans and take action baby!
16th Feb - Full Moon in Leo
It is time to really embody your visions. Don’t just think about what you are creating for yourself, but feel in every cell of your being what it will feel like to have those things in existence! Feelings are the wheels of manifestation.
18th Feb - Pisces season begins
This season is one to dream, to be soft, to sleep, to meditate, and to enjoy the sweetness that life has to offer. You may feel more sensitive and intuitive than normal so pay attention to your spidey senses and all the wonderful intel you can receive, beyond the thinking mind.
Image : Nathaniel
This month you will be asking yourself deep questions about where your relationships and work-life are headed. These kinds of questions began simmering last month and you can expect answers to be revealed over the next few weeks. You don't need to make any big decisions straight away just pay attention to the little moments of clarity that will drop in regularly through the month. Notice feelings of insecurity that present in the first couple of weeks as you’ll become increasingly aware of the insecurities that are limiting you from reaching your full potential in love and career. The opportunity is ripe this month to heal those internal wounds and iron out any kinks in your psyche so that you can manifest with speed. Carve out time to connect with like-minded people. You cannot underestimate the power of being around a community that inspires you. The people you plug into can instantly upgrade or downgrade your vibration and energy so choose wisely. The full moon in the middle of the month casts light on your playful side. Let yourself have fun, laugh, flirt with life and let yourself feel limitless/ boundless. The final couple of weeks deliver more and more opportunities for healing and you’ll see how everything that happened last month was divinely orchestrated.
This month you can expect to undergo a lot of self-development. You will continue to refine the trajectory that your Soul has been on over the last few years. It is okay to be questioning if you are in the right place. You are exactly where you need to be but there are big shifts happening for you this year, which is why you might feel a little jumpy. It is your body’s wisdom preparing for the change. If you feel intuitively called to explore somewhere new, to meet some new people, to read a new book, or to engage in a new mentor, trust those internal nudges as there will be useful teaching in it all. Your purpose and life’s mission becomes clear over the month and you’ll receive a jolt of assistance around the middle of the month. Be prepared to make some big decisions as it relates to your career. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat, or do things a little differently than others expect you to. When it comes to significant career moves, make sure you incorporate some originality and you move forward with unwavering commitment. If you feel like you are in a state of procrastination, incorporate a little discipline to get you over the line. Procrastination is simply fear in disguise and as soon as you walk through the fear, the momentum you desire will build.
This month begs you to explore the most intimate parts of your psyche and the best place to reveal what is within you, is by noticing what is showing up around you, especially within your close relationships. Explore the dynamics and patterns showing up in romantic, friendship, business, and family relationships. What is the underlying theme and what is it willing you to heal? You may be familiar with this process of noticing your internal patterns, and the past couple of months have presented you with an abundance of revealing experiences. As you look within, let yourself be vulnerable, open, and honest. Everything that gets unearthed will be critical to the future vision you put in place for yourself. Set intentions around what you want to learn over the next 6 months. Set your sights high. Do not settle for what feels comfortable. Challenge yourself to grow, and then begin creating some gentle plans that will help get things in place. There is a spiritual calling you will be reminded of mid-month, so slow down, meditate or spend some time in nature so that you are open to receiving the insights. The full moon is a time to really appreciate and use the power of your words and voice. Practices like chanting, singing or journalling are wonderful to purify the throat chakra.
This month your relationships are continuing to be an area of great change and catharsis. Pay attention to the people showing up in your life and the shift in relationship dynamics, especially romantic and business relationships. Everything is presenting itself in perfect alignment for you to learn more about yourself and your worth. No one has entered the scene by accident, and no one has left the scene by accident. Instead of wishing for something different, realise that everything you need at this moment has been supplied. You will feel a deep calling to expand your community connections and bring people together around the middle of the month. Prepare to feel a little more social than usual. Set intentions this month around the financial abundance you want to call in as well as the deeper places you want to liberate and express yourself within relationships. It is not a month to people please. The full moon is a good time to pour some love and attention into your money management systems and create a plan that allows you to save for something fun and special this year. You might find that a travel opportunity or a spiritual learning experience presents itself to you this month. If it feels right, go with it. Don’t worry too much about what the mind has to say.
This month you’ll start to reap the benefits of the little shifts that you've made to your daily routines and rituals. Make a point of bringing in practices that awaken your feminine essence every day, whether that is incorporating a beauty ritual, some dedicated dance time, or relaxation time in nature. When you feel softness and receptivity in your body, you will feel an overall sense of harmony and your days will flow with much more pleasure and enjoyment. You will experience a strong surge of clarity around your career direction in the middle of the month and you will gain insight into the path you want to walk over the next year and a half. Set intentions to call in the right support structure that will help you to get there. What resources are required? This month also breathes some fresh life into your zone of relationships. The warmth and generosity you bring into relationships are so valuable. Continue to give abundantly, and you will see those blessings and gifts returned to you tenfold. The full moon is a good time to focus on you. Let yourself be a little selfish, indulge in some self-care, or choose the outing for a date night. You are not one to shy away from the spotlight and you may feel even more inclined to express your emotions on this night. Let it flow.
This month there is a lot of fertile energy you can capitalise on. Whether you are literally making babies, making art, or creating fun plans that you can enjoy with special people, there is a lot of creative potential. Instead of placing a lot of pressure on yourself, it's important to let yourself be playful in the creation process. You'll feel inspired to alter your daily routines at the beginning of the month and this feeling will get stronger as the month progresses. Trust your intuition as you make these changes. Become attuned to the cycle you are currently transitioning through. What do your body and mind really need to feel healthy? Regular visits into nature will help reset your body and mind and will remind you of your strong connection to the healing powers of the natural world. You'll feel a calling to push beyond the edges of your comfort zone within relationships mid-month and you may find that you meet someone new or you experience a major perspective shift within a certain relationship. Be open to the renewal and possibilities that exist. If you get overly serious or too focussed on minor details, remind yourself to laugh, relax and relish in the way life surprises and delights you. Nothing ever goes exactly as planned, and that’s amazing.
This month you are given many signs as it relates to who and what lives in your home environment. There is something you are shifting or have been wanting to change here. Your mind has felt torn over the past month and your ideas haven’t felt totally clear or complete. This month that all shifts. Mental clarity starts to wash over. When you get a firm sense of the next right course of action, take it, even if you don’t have complete certainty on the outcome. As soon as you place one foot in front of the other, you will feel a sense of relief and you'll see the signs that you are on the right track. You will feel the security and reassurance you have been desiring. Mid-month you may feel inclined to invest in something or someone and it's important you pay attention to these feelings. You may also receive the benefits of a previous investment of time, money, or energy. You have great interpersonal skills, and know what it takes to create intimacy within relationships. The full moon is a great time to celebrate the friendships and wider community you have connected with over the past couple of years even with all of the global changes. Take stock of all the people who have transformed your worldview in some way. Know that you also came into their life for a reason.
This month you are redefining what close friendships and local community mean to you. Most importantly you are learning to really speak your truth in these spaces. Take note of what you learnt last month as this will give you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in. This year, your relationships, both serious and fleeting, are a significant area of growth. You will be moving beyond old limitations and patterns of relating that no longer serve your evolution. Though it can feel hard to let go of control in relationships and to truly feel vulnerable, this is what is being asked of you. You will be given signs around the middle of the month as to what course of action you must take. What chapters need to close in order to open new ones? You will also be considering the kind of people you want to live with. It is a great time to get things energetically cleansed and clear in your home. Your immediate environment has the power to shift your energy and mental wellbeing so make it vibrate on a level that you want to vibrate on. The full moon shines light on your career. What do you envisage for your future and the service you wish to provide for the world? Where does your passion intersect with the needs of others? That is your magic lane.
This month you are continuing to work on self-made projects. You might find you have a heightened awareness of financial goals. There are some big decisions to make as it relates to work and money and you’ll feel much more confident and energised than you did last month. Pouring passion into what you do is equally as important as pouring money into it, so make sure you are giving yourself some tender love and care so that you can show up to your work in a healthy and aligned state. As you take action on your work projects, you'll be shown where to course-correct along the way. Don't stress over little mishaps, as you are naturally an adaptable creature and have the ability to act spontaneously when needed. The main thing is you trust yourself. Your close friends and community are important this month. Spend time with them, send them a message, communicate with your people in some way so that they know how valued they are. You will receive their love and adoration in return. The later phases of the month bring a lot of abundance and blessings to your home and family dynamic. What do you dream of for this area of your life? Let yourself dream even bigger. So much possibility and expansion exists here. You need to claim it to bring it into reality.
This month you’ll feel a strong sense of ambition and drive to step out into the world. This is in stark contrast to the past couple of months that have felt slow and confusing. It may feel like your identity has morphed and transitioned multiple times. Ask yourself: where you are still hiding?. What are you afraid of others finding out? When you are aware of the invisible stop signs you have placed in your own way, you can remove them. You are in this body once and it is time to liberate yourself and expand your wings. Mid-month you are reminded of the creative pursuits you want to commit to. Maybe there is a book you want to publish or a podcast you want to release. The time is now. Start acting on these dreams. Your work can bring you a lot of joy, and building something sustainable for yourself in the future is really important. Give yourself any little pep talks you need, and start inspiring others with the wonderful creations you birth into the world. Under the full moon, if you feel like there are things you want to say but don't know how - say them - even if it's just out loud to yourself. You can even write them on a piece of paper that you later burn. Express what is living within you so that you can clear your throat chakra and free your body and mind.
This month you will feel deeply connected to your Soul. Sometimes the inner work is hard and heavy, but it doesn't always need to be. Sometimes the most profound shifts happen through lightness and laughter. You will certainly go through deep introspective moments this month but you'll find there is more ease and flow than last month. You have permission to take things at your own pace, to soak life in, to enjoy nature, and to simply bear witness to the world around you. Your unique mind will always be working away, coming up with radical ideas, thoughts and opinions but it's important not to spend too much time in your head. Constantly remind yourself to drop into your body and feel into its wisdom. Over the course of the month, you will channel a lot of inspiration. Ask yourself what kind of leader you want to be and who you want to set an example for. What kind of person did you wish existed in the world when you were younger and how can you step into those shoes this year? You can start making some solid plans to execute this vision. The full moon shines light on your relationships. Whoever feels significant in your life at this time will be reflecting something important about yourself back to you. Let the reflection guide your next steps.
This month you will start to feel the magic that is promised to you this year. Prepare yourself for dreams coming true, physical healing, and a sense of freedom washing over you. All of this goodness is absolutely yours and it’s going to arrive in divine order so trust in the process. Start the month off by setting intentions around the areas of life you want to expand. Whether it is in career, health, relationships, spirituality, or home, give yourself permission to dream big. Once you have noted down what you desire, start making some tangible plans that will allow the expansion to be possible. The full moon is a great time to feel connected to nature. This could mean visiting a beach, spending time in a garden, or simply making a meal with beautiful organic food. If you have felt lonely or not fully supported in your vision recently, it is a good idea to take stock of the people that exist in your world that really take the time to listen and provide a helping hand when needed. As you bring them into your awareness, it will open your eyes to the abundance of support that truly does exist all around you. You’ll also receive a lot of clarity around what you want from your community going forward. Note down what you value in your friendships and what qualities are non-negotiable.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Pschology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
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