January 2022 energy
Welcome to 2022.
This month we have strong Capricorn energy which is all about setting goals, making plans, and approaching life with integrity and purpose. Venus is retrograde so pay attention to anything love and money-related that pops up. Instead of falling into habitual patterns, the planet Pluto is asking you to look within and transform any limiting beliefs in these areas. The experiences you have this month will help you to clarify what you really want out of our relationships and your working life.
Key Dates
3 January - New Moon in Capricorn
Close your eyes and visualise the year ahead. Let yourself feel into the essence of your future self, and then jot down the actions steps that will really help you to awaken that essence inside of you. Capricorn loves nothing more than a solid plan that will result in productivity and growth so set your sights high, make some plans, and believe in yourself.
14 January - Mercury Retrograde (in Aquarius + Capricorn)
Communication is slowing down and perhaps there are some wires being crossed. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to articulate everything exactly as it is. Leave space for error. Have patience with your technology and bring humour into the situation where you can. These next few weeks will be a time to relax your mind and review the plans you made in the new year. Retracing your steps now can actually save you from unnecessary frustration in the future.
18 January - Full Moon in Cancer
This full moon is full of emotion. Feelings are bound to flow through you in waves so let them. Rigidity is not a recipe for success at this time. Instead, you want to be soft and open, and caring toward yourself and others. Carve out space in your day to process your feelings without judgement or need for an explanation.
18 January - North Node enters Taurus
For the next 18 months, we are collectively learning to find balance between the spiritual and material world. The North Node indicates the higher path for our collective and in the sign of Taurus, we will be shown how important it is to care for our earth. The next year and a half will see us redefining beauty, our financial systems, and our relationship with the natural world.
Image : Louisa Goltz
This month, take the time to really evaluate your life’s mission. Consider the legacy you want to leave behind and what you want to be known for on the world stage. It’s not just about the destination you reach but about how you make your people feel along the way. It is wise to refine your values so that you show up with integrity as you fulfill your purpose. This integrity must also translate in your relationships. You’ll notice more emphasis is placed on your wider networks and friendships as the month progresses. Be incredibly intentional with who you connect with as this group of people will heavily influence your sense of self-worth as the year continues. The full moon will bring deep emotional releases for you. Set yourself up in a cosy space at home and let your inner child feel safe. Releasing old emotions is a vital cleansing process that will help to clear limitations from your mind and pave the way for brave actions you will be taking soon.
This month you are gathering wisdom. You are able to zoom out and gain perspective over the events of the past year and acknowledge how you showed up. It’s not about judging any mistakes you made. Instead, take stock of how much you learned through the challenges and hardships. You learnt a lot and it’s been purposeful! These next few weeks provide an integration period. Your Soul desires more growth and learning in 2022. Set intentions around future adventures and explorations, and the areas of life you want to learn more about. You may feel your identity is constantly being reinvented and that’s a good thing. Don’t be afraid to surprise other people along the way. You’ll be thinking about your career trajectory near the end of the month. Take note of what you want to call in but save the action steps and big decisions till next month. Under the full moon, release who and what is not supportive. You are being called to step into an expanded state of leadership this year.
This month is a time to let yourself feel lighter. Release the temptation to indulge in your limiting beliefs. Sure, bring awareness to old stories that have kept you stuck in the past, but choose to take action in the face of fear, shame, and guilt. Any limiting belief that presents itself, is a story that you are here to re-write. If you feel your shadow is taking the reigns - take a breath and choose to act in opposition to what it wants. You will be learning to open your heart more and more and it’s a good month to be in the mode of receiving. Love, trust, intimacy, and sexuality are all themes that you are encouraged to explore. The full moon provides a great opportunity to release the gunk that may be clogging your aura and to free yourself of shadow stories. You’ll be amazed at how many shifts occur subconsciously when you shine a light on the darkness and take action that is aligned with your true Soul desires.
This month brings focus to past, present, and future relationships. No relationship in your life exists in isolation. Sometimes it takes a new relationship to heal a past one and sometimes it takes dipping into the archives to illuminate what you value in a relationship now. Notice who and what is orbiting you and what you can learn from the experiences right in front of you Don’t shy away from the lessons that can arise through true intimacy. Open up to the journey you are being called on. The full moon is a great time to feel and heal. Cry, shake, let it out in a wild way, and then give yourself space to rest and process. You don’t need to think too much, instead just notice how you feel physically and allow your body to process and release what it needs to. The physical body is ultimately the antenna that connects you to the spirit realm, so get your body in a clear state and you will receive intuitive wisdom with ease.
This month the focus is on your schedule. If you feel like life has been a bit of a daily grind, it’s time to infuse some love, beauty, and joy into the mix. Injecting something new into your routine will lift your spirit and revive your energy. How can you ensure your physical, mental, and emotional health are tended to? It can be as simple as three deep breaths each morning. When done consistently, you’ll see the healing is profound. Your working life has been going through some major shifts over the past couple of years. Don’t attach yourself to certain labels or places as there are more changes to come. Flexibility and self-respect are key ingredients to navigating the shifts. Later in the month, your relationships are in the spotlight. How can you communicate your deep feelings with clarity? Be patient with those close to you, take the time to listen and communicate what is true for you. How you express yourself is just as important as what you express.
This month you have a lot of creative energy and there are projects on your mind that you want to birth into the world. You don’t need to make any big moves or put anything out there just yet but work away at your creations each day. They will evolve a lot over the next few weeks. Your sense of self-expression and the way you present in the world is going through a review. You may feel the urge to cleanse your wardrobe and the physical items in your home. You understand that the material realm is the spirit realm made manifest so create space to bring in the pieces that feel beautiful and authentic to you. The full moon is a time to treasure your friendships and community that feel supportive and aligned and to also release old ties that you have outgrown. Remember relationships will serve you for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Let go of what needs to be let go so that you don’t hinder your evolution. Beautiful new relationships will blossom for you this year.
This month you are laying the foundations that will help you feel stable and secure in 2022. Who and what feels like home? You need to bring those elements and people into your life. It is also time to set intentions around career. Note down the actions that will help you streamline your work so you can focus on what you truly love. Over the past couple of years, you may have noticed frequent changes happening in your financial life. There have been times where you’ve received great sums of money, and times where you’ve felt like the tap has stopped flowing. Remember some seasons in life are designed for pause. When you ride the waves with non-attachment, you see that you live in abundance and are always adequately resourced. It is also a great month to get creative with the way you decorate your home space. Use your natural affinity for beauty to cultivate an environment that feels good for your body and Soul. You appreciate luxury and high quality so bring it into your life.
This month is a good time to review what community means to you. Who feels like a true friend and a close neighbour? You deserve more than surface-level connections. You are naturally drawn to depth and understanding. It is important you do not settle for less than that. What places and people allow you to feel safe enough to express your true nature, and who is able to express themselves openly and honestly around you? True friendship will provide you with a sacred container to witness, encourage and share experiences with others. Later in the month, you may consider shifting your home environment. Maybe you are renovating, changing location, or simply de-cluttering. Under the full moon, adventure within and redefine your boundaries and values for the new year. Big shifts have been occurring in your relationships. Some connections may have strengthened and some may have split, but you can trust you are being rocked onto your destined path.
This month you are being called into serious business mode. Last month you may have noticed old money stories presenting themselves, and now is an especially good time to review your beliefs around money and work and really get to the bottom of self-worth issues. They are being revealed to you now for a reason. You don’t have to go it alone, you can turn to your community and learn from your close networks. The full moon is a powerful time for you to connect spiritually. When you clear your channel, you will receive surprising downloads of information, and you may unravel secrets or reveal solutions that had never occurred to you or seen the light of day. It will all happen in divine timing. Your daily routines are also going through some unpredictable shifts. Let yourself follow your intuition as it relates to your regular rituals. You might like to inject something new and fresh into your daily habits that will help you align with the 2022 version of you.
This month you will feel an array of different desires move through you. You will experience many strong impulses that can change from moment to moment. It is a time to witness and observe these waves and fluctuations rather than act on every urge. Over time you will understand what desires are truly coming from your Soul and what desires have sprung forth from the insecurities of your mind. You are stepping into a new sense of self this year and it’s important that you cultivate practices of self-love over the next few weeks so that this 2022 version of you is strong and empowered. A foundation of self-love creates the stability you need to begin building something new in the world next month. The full moon is an emotional time that highlights your relationships, particularly in romance and business. You will also begin to see the signs of the creations and perhaps even children you will be birthing into the world over the next 18 months.
This month is a ripe time to be in a spiritual review mode. You have access to the power of your subconscious mind so decode your dreams, meditate, witness yourself in relationships, journal, retreat, and notice the answers that spring forth when ask your intuition. This internal work will prepare you to step into the light in the weeks to come. This month is a time to observe your life rather than take action. When it comes to manifesting things, tap into the feelings you are desiring as these feelings are ultimately the wheels of manifestation. The full moon is a lovely moment to cleanse and organise and minimise your spaces. A clear physical space can do wonders in shifting energy and will clear the way for your manifestations to arrive. Your sense of home and family may feel like it is continuing to be redefined. Anything that feels surprising or shocking is assisting you in coming into contact with your true purpose. Your heightened intuition will keep you safe.
This month you are evaluating who is of value in your life, who you can trust, and what qualities you need from your wider community. What support systems do you need in place and how can you ensure you are open to receiving that support? It is a great month to bring awareness to your gifts and talents and how you can use those to assist and guide your people. You have a unique contribution to make, and your hopes and dreams give you clues as to what you are supposed to bring into this world. Your purpose arises at the intersection of your passions and the needs of your wider community. In order to truly step into your purpose and your power, there is a big letting go taking place. The more you let go, the more you will begin to feel the expansion and abundance that will be coming through stronger over the next few months. The full moon is a great time to be intentional with releasing any old beliefs that feel like heavy chains so that you can truly roam free.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Pschology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
Image via CLO