Lessons of 2020 — by Rob Tennent
Celebrating modern beauty and lessons of 2020 with Artist Rob Tennent and some incredible new faces in New Zealand.
“I wanted to explore modern beauty and the diversity we are surrounded by, but rarely highlight. Everyone is unique and has something so special about them. Whether it was something they were bullied for as kids or adults, we learn to embrace ourselves and what sets us apart from others. At the end of the day, I wanted to highlight beauty in it’s simplest form.“ - Rob Tennent
Victor: My greatest life lesson from 2020 has been that nothing in this universe is worth our own peace of mind. And peace of mind may come from the most unexpected forms of manifestation - the simple act of appreciating the skin we’re in and cherishing every single imperfection that makes us uncommon, surrounding ourselves with a hand-picked whānau that makes us bolster contentment through our eyes, devoting time and appreciation to all forms of art that contribute to our own individual expressions, or simply acknowledging the times when reallocating energy into rebuilding our own strengths is needed, and as valuable, for self-growth.
At the end of the day, even if the world around us has been momentarily tarnished by the realities of 2020, peace of mind makes us choose to look at these disincentives optimistically because our inner selves have nestled in serenity and we’re ready to spread the love and peacefulness that no longer fit just inside of our beings.
Hiwa: Take opportunities when they come to you and make the most of what you have even in times of adversity!
Tak: My biggest lesson of 2020 has been learning how to pace my life in many different aspects. This year I've been learning how I best utilise and manage my time, in ways which guide me to who I want to be. Too much of one thing is never good, so testing and discovering new things has been very important even if it leads to nothing but experience.
This year I’ve been learning what's most important when it comes to day to day living, and I thought I knew this, but there's always something to learn. Life is what you make it and 2020 has reflected that for me. I'm just getting started with what I want to achieve on planet earth and its mad to know that I have full control over how it happens
Harry: My 2020 life lesson would be something like “don’t waste words on people who deserve silence”
Leni: Everyday I was failing to make a change, I was making a decision to not do what I wanted. I’m far happier for it!
Roxie: 2020 has taught me that nothing is permanent, the bad or the good. You hear this saying thrown around a lot especially in italics on tumblr but wow, the way we have had to become accustomed to constantly adapting has not only built collective resilience as humans but also given us space to celebrate the small wins and equally important; sit with the losses.
Juno: 2020 has re-assured me to slow down and take time for yourself. I feel now isn’t the time to be making big goals because not a lot of things seem so certain and go as expectedly as we predict. So take the time to set yourself small achievements and accomplish them.
We’ve been given an opportunity where we aren’t running at a million miles an hour to improve aspects of ourself that we have always felt too busy to do before. in time, you will end up seeing yourself reaching a place where you have always wanted be or even achieving something bigger that you have never expected.
Shaan: Setting expectations for anything only sets you up for failure. If you experience a really good day and set an expectation for the next day to be just as good, you’re only going to be disappointed if it isn’t, and will never feel satisfied.
Every day you should wake up with a fresh mind and no expectations, that way whatever happens won’t be compared with anything else and will lead to a more positive experience. The day is now a blank page and you can fill it with whatever you want.
Sin Jun: Mental health is very important and best kind of nutrients is to be doing activities with others.
Photographs — Rob Tennent
Assisted by — Apela Bell